Make Orange Citrus Steak Sauce
Did you ever want to learn to make a delicious sauce to dip your otherwise bland steak in? Perhaps a little citrus will be perfect! Plus, this actually will clean the hard-to-clean skillet!
- Cook a steak or two in a cast iron skillet.
- Put the steaks on a plate (you will eat them soon).
- Leave the heat from the stove on with the empty skillet.
- Allow it to sit for about three minutes. You want the skillet to be dry. If necessary, drain the steak juices and allow the skillet to become dry.
- Pour a little water on the hot pan. It will begin to bead up and steam
- Scrape the pan with a wooden spoon, creating a brownish gravy. This is what cleans the pan.
- Add a little orange juice which should do the same thing.
- Roll it around in the pan a little to mix it.
- Pour the sauce into a saucer or bowl.
- Only use not from concentrate orange juice for best results.
- Vary the amount of water and orange juice you use to find a good strength of sauce.
- If you like onion, you could cut one into small sticks and use it as a 'mattress' for the steaks,once the steaks have burned a little on both sides. In this way, and under a slow fire, the mattress should collect as much beef stock as possible while your beefs keep warm and cooking. Finally, remove the steaks and add the orange juice to the mattress. Yummy!
- Don't focus too much time into making the sauce because otherwise you will have a great sauce but cold steak.
- Try using other aqueous (non-oil based) liquids in replacement of orange juice once you get the hang of this such as wine or fruit juices. Feel free to experiment! Remember if the sauce ends up badly, you can always just throw it away and don't ruin your steak. You will still come out ahead with the clean pan.
- Once you pour the sauce out of the pan, you will still need to rinse out the skillet for it to be clean, but at least you won't have to try to scrape it or anything.
- Be careful when you add the water and orange juice, because it will instantly boil and may splatter on you if you are not careful.
Things You'll Need
- Steaks
- Skillet
- Wooden spoon or plastic spoon
- Orange juice
- Water