Make Ornamental Pine Cones for Christmas

There is nothing more special than a decorative tree on Christmas, and there is truly nothing more special than one with that old-fashioned appeal; add in "Chestnuts Roasting by an Open Fire" and you'll have a joyful Christmas in the making.


  1. Use construction paper to make some thin handles for the pine cones. Cut several and set aside. Cut several strands of different colors of ribbon about the length of a pen and set aside.
  2. Spray several of the pine cones with fake snow and lay them on a newspaper to dry. Once the cones with snow are dry, you can add ribbon. Dab some glue in the center of the cone's end, and fold the ribbon in half while firmly holding both ends together. Press it into the glue and hold for several minutes. Repeat step as needed.
  3. Dab the tips of the pine cones with a little glue and add glitter. Make several ones of different colors, or multi-colored ones. Continue on with the same step, until you have enough. Apply ribbon as before.
  4. Understand that when you choose to add construction paper to any of the pine cones, apply glue to each of the sides near the ends of the cones. Press each end of the paper into the glue area making a handle. Hold firmly, for several minutes. Once all the ornamental pine cones are ready, hang them on the tree, and add a popcorn garland for that old-fashioned appeal.
  5. Finished.


  • You can also use measuring spoons that have holes in the ends of them. Add some decorative ribbon and hang them on the tree.

Things You'll Need

  • Pine Cones of all shapes and sizes, large ones preferably
  • Multi-colors of Construction Paper
  • Thin Ribbon in green and red
  • Scissors
  • Elmer's White Glue
  • Glitter (gold, silver, green and red)
  • Old Newspapers
  • Can or two of fake snow

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