Make Paper Snap

A normal piece of paper can be folded so that it makes a loud snap! that will startle anyone. It's a mischievous little classroom or office trick.


  1. Get a sheet of ordinary notebook or printer paper. Make sure you are not using an old piece of paper. The trick works better with crisp new paper.
  2. Place the paper on a flat surface, positioned as if you were about to write on it.
  3. Fold the paper in half horizontally. (Bring the top down towards the bottom (a hamburger fold).)
  4. Fold the paper in half vertically, so you are bringing the right side over to touch the left.
  5. Find the two pockets that were made by folding the paper in half.
  6. Hold both pockets,and pull them up enough so that you can hold on to the bottom corner of the paper without touching the two pockets.
  7. Hold the paper by the bottom corner and raise to shoulder level.
  8. Quickly and forcefully bring the paper down through the air.
    • Note that the air should catch in the pockets and unfold the paper, while also producing a loud popping noise.


  • If you become good enough using a large sheet of paper, you can make a small piece (which is even easier to hide) snap louder.
  • It may take you a couple of tries.
  • You need to slam the paper through the air very hard to make the noise!
  • There's more than one way to perform this trick.[1]

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