Make Pictures Using Keyboard Keys

Making pictures on by using a keyboard (also called ASCII art) is easy. You can use it to make cute bunnies, stick figures, and more. These pictures can help you amuse yourself, impress your friends, and think outside the box.


Sample ASCII Images

Doc:ASCII Art Pictures


  1. Start with the ears.
  2. Add eyes and whiskers.
  3. Add feet.

Sleeping Bunny

  1. Start with the ears.
  2. Add the sleeping face.
    ( -.-)
  3. Add the tail, body and feet.
    ( -.-)
    • You can add z's to make it look like the bunny is snoring.

Bunny in Bathtub

  1. Make the ears. (\__/) o
  2. Make the face. ( 0.o) o
  3. Make the bow tie. __(><)__o
  4. Make the body. \__U U__/
  5. You can add bubbles if you wish.

Stick Figure

  1. Put an o for the head.
  2. Make a /|\ with the straight one under the head.
  3. For the legs, just add / space \ and you're done!
    / \


  1. Make a fish. Use the greater than or less than symbols (located on the period and comma keys, for American keyboards), parentheses and a lower-case o.

Bow and Arrow and/or Flying Bird

  1. Start with the upper wing.
  2. Bring the wing closer to the body.
  3. Draw the body and beak.
  4. Move the second wing away from the body.
  5. Finish the second wing.

Awesome Owl

  1. Draw the head.
  2. Draw the body.
  3. Draw the feet.

Non-awesome Owl

  1. Draw the ears.
  2. Draw the face.
  3. Draw the wings.
  4. Draw the feet and tail.
    " " \\

Cats Head

  1. Make an = sign. This will be the first set of whiskers.
  2. Then make '.'. This will be the cat's face.
  3. Make another =. This will be the second set of whiskers.
    • You can change eyes to... *_*,$.$, (O_o), =*_*= , =$.$= , last but not least =(O_o)=


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