Make Rose Petal Perfume

This is a child-safe version of rose petal perfume; there is no need for heating or anything complex.


  1. Gather 30 to 35 Make a Rose Petal Bracelet. Be sure to choose a fragrant rose.
  2. Put them in a cup.
  3. Pour water in the cup. Strain it out but leave the rose petals behind.
  4. Place the moist rose petals in a bowl. Mash them a lot; having a mortar and pestle will make this easy.
  5. Return the mashed rose petals in the water and strain out any moisture. Keep repeating this step until the water turns a brownish-pinkish-orangish color.
    • If you are using dark colored rose petals, such as deep red, then do it until it is brownish-red.
  6. Take the rose petals out and enjoy your rose petal perfume!
  7. Finished.
  8. If you want, add 1/2 of a tablespoon vanilla to take your perfume to the next level


  • Leave it in the sun for a bit to make it smell stronger.
  • When mashing the rose petals, use a smooth, round stick or the round side of a strong spoon.
  • When mashing the rose petals, you can use a blender.


  • Keep away from eyes, nose, mouth and particularly sensitive skin.

Things You'll Need

  • Rose petals
  • Water
  • Something to mash the rose petals with
  • Cotton balls for applying (optional)

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