Use Roses

Make the most of the roses growing in your garden when their flowering season comes to an end. There are many fantastic uses for roses, including using their scent, flavor, and beauty. In this article, you'll learn a few ideas to help spark your own imaginative uses for roses.


  1. Use roses in the kitchen. Roses in the kitchen are heavenly, both for the cook and the consumer!:
    • Make Rose Petal Jam
    • Make Rosewater Meringues
    • Make Rosewater
    • Make Rosewater Biscuits
    • Make Rosewater Baklava
    • Make a Rhubarb and Beetroot Chutney With Rose Syrup
    • Make Rose Vinegar
    • Make Frosted Rose Petals
    • Make White Chocolate Rose Leaves
    • Prepare Pomegranate Jellies With Rose Cream
    • Make Preserved Rose Leaves
    • Make Rose Chocolate Creams
    • Make Rose Madeleines With Glittered Honey Lemon Glaze
    • Make Rose and Pistachio Ice Cream
  2. Make drinks with roses. Rose flavored drinks are always tempting!
  3. Beautify yourself with roses. Roses are a timeless element in beauty products, and you can make some of your own at home:
  4. Use roses as decorative elements in your home. Roses can beautify and scent your home in a number of ways, from floral arrangements to potpourri.
  5. Use roses in the garden. Rose gardening is a very rewarding hobby, with a wide range of roses to choose from, including miniature, old-fashioned, and modern roses. And there are ways of using the leftovers of rose prunings too!
  6. Spice up the romance with roses. Roses say "love" and "cherish", so make the most of them when wooing or cherishing someone! And don't forget that rose petals strewn in the pathway of a newly married couple is a wonderful way to help them celebrate their new beginning.
  7. Make jewelry with roses. Using flower buds as part of jewelry was once commonplace; reviving the old art is a lovely idea because having the petals next to the warmth of your skin can bring out the scent wonderfully. Or, use roses to inspire beaded, molded, sewn, and other styles of jewelry.
    • Make a Rose Petal Bracelet
  8. Be inspired by roses for artwork and craft. Although the following ideas don't make use of an actual rose, they are all inspired by the rose:

Things You'll Need

  • Ingredients
  • Rose petals, rose leaves, rose hips
  • Suitable containers, etc.
  • Craft and art items

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