Make Shadow Drawings

This is a trick used by many great artists. You will be surprised by the interesting outlines the shadows provide. The ones shown give a fairly good likeness of a witch and an eagle.


  1. Lay a sheet of white paper on the table.
  2. Place a lamp or other light source near the paper.
  3. Crumple up several other pieces of paper -- newspaper pages will do nicely -- and drop them on the table.
  4. Draw around the lines of the shadows. You can later fill them in, adding in other details.


  • If the crumpled pieces of paper don't give you a good design the first time, turn them over.
  • Try several pieces of paper. You will surely get one or two or three or four or five or six or seven that will make interesting pictures.
  • Use an eraser when you need to but obviously don't ruin the paper.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Lamp

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  • Source: Estrin, M., editor. (1945). Fun for a Rainy Day. New York: WM. Penn Publishing Cord. - Book in public domain. Copyright not renewed.

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