Draw a Hamburger In Adobe Illustrator

This tutorial will show you how to draw a hamburger in Adobe Illustrator CS3, by using mostly the ‘’pen tool’’ and ‘’pencil tool’’.


  1. Go to "file>new>" and create a new document measuring 800-x-800 pixels. Go to "file>open>" and select a sketch file. You need a hamburger sketch file; you can create it by freehand or do it in Photoshop.
  2. Create a new layer. Use the "Ellipse Tool" on the Get Hidden Browser Toolbars Back; make sure the fill on the toolbar is set to "none" and set the stroke color to "black" and the stroke weight to 1. Create the shape follow your sketch and use the "white arrow" to adjust the shape.
  3. Create the other Look For Shapes in Clouds for your sketch. Use "Pen Tool" to create a tomato slice, cheese and bread. Use "Pencil Tool" to create the meat and vegetable fillings.
  4. You should now have many ingredient shapes for hamburger.
  5. Add color to the ingredients. In this step, use the "Gradient Tool" to add color to two of the hamburger bread. Set the colors to the following:
    • First color at position C = 3, M = 18, Y = 42, K = 0;
    • Second color at position C = 2.3, M = 26, Y = 40, K = 0.4;
    • Third color at position, C = 9.4, M = 38, Y = 69.8, K = 1.2.
    • For other parts of the hamburger, use simple colors:
      • Cheese color at position, C = 2.75, M = 23.9, Y = 95.7 K = 0.4;
      • Tomato color at position, C = 9.5, M = 8.3, Y = 96.6 K = 1;
      • Meat color at position, C = 32, M = 49.6, Y = 40.5 K = 21.8; and
      • Vegetable color at position, C = 56.1, M = 1.1, Y = 100 K = 0
  6. Add shadows. Use the "Pen Tool" to create shadows in the shapes, which brings depth and realism to them. In this step, the color for the shadow is the same color of the object you're adding; set it to "Multiply>Opacity 40%".
  7. After you've finished adding shadows, add sesame seeds on top of the hamburger bread using the "Pen Tool". Set the fill on the toolbar to "white" and set the stroke color to "none".
  8. Finished!
  9. Finished.


  • You can change your hamburger style by changing the position of an ingredient.

Things You'll Need

  • Adobe illustrator CS3 or latest (like cs4,5 and 5.1)

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