Make String from Natural Sources

Are you in the middle of a thicket and need some string or rope? Many types of plants contain useful fiber; the dried common stinging nettle is a good source for string. Willow bark can provide what you need for making strong cordage.


  1. Set a fire and boil a large pan of water.
  2. Add the ashes of a previous fire into the pot.
  3. Select a willow branch around the thickness of a man's wrist while the water is boiling.
  4. Gently split the bark of the willow and peel it away from the branch.
  5. Remove the thicker outer bark completely. If left on, it will cause your string to be brittle.
  6. Cut the inner bark so that you are left with thin strips.
  7. Place the inner bark strips into the pan of water and ashes and simmer for around an hour.
  8. Dry the fiber completely before twining or braiding into cordage.
  9. Twist both ends of your cord in the opposite direction (this makes a natural loop)
  10. Continue this until you have cordage of the desired length
  11. It is possible to repeat this and twist two already corded sections together


  • Be very careful when working with fire and sharp knives.

Things You'll Need

  • Axe
  • Sharp knife
  • Fire
  • Large cooking pan
  • Water
  • Ashes
  • Willow branch

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