Make Time Go Faster at Home

You are probably bored or can't wait to do something later on. But you don't know how to make time pass faster? Well, let's fix this problem.


  1. Don't look at the clock. If you look at the clock,it seems like time goes slower.
  2. Play a game. Either board games or video games or you can make one up.
  3. Phone a friend. A nice, long chat can make time fly by. If you are allowed, invite them round.
  4. Make an animated movie. Draw people, houses, cars, stores, pets or anything you want and cut them out. If you are making people than cut each parts like heads, hands, legs and body into separate pieces. Than attach a thread to all the body parts and attach all the parts. Than make someone take the video while you make the cardboard drawing move with the help of the thread. Make sure the thread can't be seen. Then you have your own animated movie.
  5. Watch a film. Or if you prefer, read a book of your choice.
  6. Clean your house. While making time fly, you can make your house look spick and span.
  7. Browse the internet. Check your Facebook, or Twitter, play games, go on Youtube, things like that.
  8. Help somebody. You will feel really good inside!
  9. Relax. Maybe you can take a power-nap, or just chill out.
  10. Re-decorate your room. If you are allowed, cut pictures or words out and stick them on your wall. Also, if you cut words out, make you/family/friends names out of them.


  • Avoid checking the clock all the time; it will only make time seem slower.
  • Relax and watch tv or a movie.
  • Watch a movie on the way, if possible, it will make time fly .
  • Do an artsy project. It will make time fly!
  • Read a good book and before you know it, hours have flown by!
  • Talk to friends to pass the time by.
  • Try to make crafts. It is a fun and easy thing to do, and it makes a perfect addition to your bedroom.

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