Make Time Go by Faster at School

Always bored in class and the minutes seem like hours? Just read this guide and the hours will seem like minutes!


  1. Talk with friends. Make sure you talk whenever the teacher allows you to or during free time. You could try whispering if the teacher is there. If the teacher does allow you to talk make sure it is related to the topic you are learning about or working on.
  2. Bring some things to do. You could bring a MP3 player, magazine, some books, handheld video game, cell phone, etc. Make sure you don't get caught with them because the teacher can take them away. You could put them in your lunch box and during recess go some place where a person can't see you then take them out. The magazines and books are above all the safest to use during class.
  3. Pay attention. If you pay attention to what the teacher is saying you could learn something new and the time might go faster. And if you pay attention the better you will do on your work. Write down what the teacher says on a notebook just in case you forget something.
  4. Go to the bathroom just for fun if you want to do your hair or put on make-up. But don't make it too obvious that is what you came to the bathroom for. Just brush your hair quickly and put on some makeup.
  5. Find something in your desk to fiddle with. It will keep your mind occupied and the time will go by a lot faster. Feel the texture of it, count all the different colors in it and the one you like the most. Does it have a certain smell? Is it arousing?
  6. Doodle. Everyone likes doodling it can be very fun and creative. Just draw different things in your notebook or draw someone's name or anything you want! The creations are endless!
  7. Daydream. It is very common and can be quite amusing or fun or romantic!


  • Try sharing facts you know about the subject your studying or working on and maybe you could get rewarded by the teacher.


  • Don't talk too much in class or else the teacher could give you a warning or get in trouble.
    • Be careful if you do bring any electronics because they can get taken away. You may also get in trouble by parents if they didn't know you brought them to school.
  • Don't go to the bathroom too many times. Only go once or twice a day. Maybe only go every four hours. And only stay in the bathroom for 3-5 minutes at the most.

Things You'll Need

  • Magazines & Books
  • Friends to talk to
  • Electronics such as cells, MP3s, video games, etc.
  • Notebook & Pencil or Pen
  • Your brain
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc. (For the doodlers)

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