Make Up an Excuse to Get Off the Phone
Don't you hate it when you ask a simple question, and your friend or relative is intent on blabbing for hours? This guide can help you out.
Plausible excuses
- Go outside and ring the doorbell. Then say "Sorry I really have to go; someone's at the door. Bye!"
- You can also record the doorbell ringing if your phone is not wireless.
- If you're on your cell phone, take your home phone, and turn the ringer volume up. Then say that your home phone is ringing, and that you have to go.
- Start an argument in the background. Say, "Hold on." And then yell, "It wasn't me! I didn't eat the last pizza slice, Nancy did!" or something like that. Pretend to bicker, then say "Sorry, I have to get off the phone. I've been sent to my room" or "I have to stop the kids/siblings from fighting."
- Use your cell phone to call your home phone and say "I have an incoming call, got to go, bye!" Then hang up.
- Tell the person on the other end you need to go to the bathroom right now. Say sorry, and then hang up. Of course, there is an unspoken expectation that you'll call back afterward, so this can be a rather rude way to ring off if you don't.
Tenuous excuses
- Hang up on the caller. If they ask you about it, say that you must have been disconnected.
- Of course, if you don't bother calling back, this comes across as just plain rude. Mostly because it is.
- Take a piece of paper, hold it away from the phone and crush it a little. Bring it towards the mouthpiece, and start crushing it more and more. This will create a crackling sound, similar to the one made when there's a disturbance in the phone line. Say that he/she is cracking up,you can't hear what they're saying and hang up.
- If you're a kid, record your mom yelling at you. Play the recording holding the speaker so that is sort of sounds like it's coming from a little further away, then say "I got to go, get back to you later" and hang up.
The truth
- Try to veer the other person away from what they're saying. Change the topic to get them away from their lengthy discussion. Then, bring the call to a natural close.
- Come out and say something very simple. Instead of beating around the bush, actually end the call. Here are some ways:
- "Well, thanks for the call. I have to go now." Do not say why!
- "What a great conversation we've had! I've enjoyed hearing what you've been doing. I must go now." Again, no need to explain yourself.
- "It's wonderful talking to you but I'm pressed for time right now. I'll look forward to talking to you again soon."
- Tell the other person you like short calls. Bear with a bit of up front brusqueness for longer term honesty between you. If people know you as someone who hates talking for a long time on the phone, they'll be more aware to keep the conversation short; and if they don't, they're already forewarned when you end it brusquely that you've reached your fill.
- Sound effects are always good when you want to change the subject.
- You could lose friends or create family tension if you tell white lies or make up tales.
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