Make a 'Just in Case' Kit for Your Locker

All teenagers apparently need a 'Just in Case' kit. A kit of this kind will help you by giving you the supplies you need to deal with embarrassing emergencies. This article will show you how to make a 'Just in Case' kit for your locker. It offers ideas on what to put in yours and has instruction for both girls and boys.


For Girls

  1. Get a small bag. It has to be small enough to fit into your locker easily. Also, make sure it is not see through. You can decorate your bag as well.
  2. Put in feminine supplies such as pads, panty-liners and (if you use them, tampons). Have at least two pads and two tampons in regular and heavy flow in your bag. This is very important. Packing an extra pair of underwear might help. Your period might catch you by surprise, and it sucks when that happens. Even if it doesn't, your friend might need feminine supplies and it feels great to be able to help out a friend in a time of need, especially if you are a girl.
  3. Make sure you have some perfume in your bag. But, be careful, some schools have rules against wearing perfume because some people may be allergic to it. Have cologne or aftershave if you prefer.
  4. Pack dental supplies. What if you get bad breath or you have something stuck in your teeth? You can get mini tooth brushes from the store and pack those with some floss and perhaps some toothpicks.
  5. Pack medication. Be careful, in some schools you aren't allowed to bring most medications because you could give it to other students. But cough drops are usually okay, and they are a good idea just in case you get a bad cough. Make sure you check your school's policy on bring medications (such as cough drops).
  6. Pack emergency makeup. Just in case you end up messing up your makeup or you forget to put some on. If you don't wear makeup, skip this step. Mascara, foundation, and lip gloss are some good things to bring.
  7. Pack emergency hair supplies. Put a brush, ponytail holders and bobby pins in your 'Just in Case' bag. If you have really short hair, you could still pack ponytail bands to help out your friends.
  8. Pack emergency money. Do not put more than $20 / £18 / ¥17 / €22 in your bag. You don't want it to get stolen. Use this money if you or a friend need to buy something.
  9. It's a good idea to keep an extra pair of pants and a shirt in your locker. If you end up getting your period by surprise, or your flow is heavier than you expected and you leak, if you keep an extra pair of pants in your locker you won't have to walk around with a blood stain on your pants. Also, if you end up spilling something on your pants or shirt, you will have an extra to change into.
  10. Add anything else you might need. Zip your bag or close it, and put in your locker when you get the chance. You should now have your very own 'Just in Case' kit. Use it as needed.

For Boys

  1. Make sure you grab a pouch, or pencil case if it will fit.
  2. Deodorant, travel sized. No one likes feeling sweaty and smelly!
  3. 5 dollars or equivalent cash. You always want to have some emergency money handy, but no more than that! It's a bad idea to keep large sums of cash with you, particularly if you don't usually lock your locker.
  4. Gum or mouthwash. You probably don't want to walk around with really smelly breath.
  5. Chapstick or Vaseline. To keep your lips in "kissable mode." (Vaseline can double as a lotion and a cut/scrape protector.)
  6. Travel sized lotion. This will help if your hands are dry, or once again, for those ashy moments.
  7. Underwear. You'll probably know yourself why and/or if you need to change them.
  8. A brush or comb. To keep your hair nice. If your hair is long enough, a comb for tangles.
  9. Gel. In case you actually use it.
  10. Axe! Some girls like the smell, and some girls don't. Don't wear it after gym it will stink when mixed with sweat but some schools have rules against wear cologne because some people are allergic to it. Do not put a lot on though, because there are many people that highly despise the smell of axe.
  11. If you wear contacts, your contact case and lens solution. If you wear glasses, a clean cloth.
    • Whatever else you want.


  • Keep this in your locker or purse or bag.
  • You don't have to add everything on here! You can take out some stuff and add some too!
  • For girls, keep deodorant. You don't want your pits to smell during the day.


  • Be certain that your mouthwash is not alcohol based. Even though you will be using it to clean your mouth, and not taking enough to become intoxicated, some schools will see it as a violation of their "no alcohol" policy, and you can get into a lot of trouble.
  • Do not apply stuff like deodorant, or mouthwash, and especially do not change any clothing in public. Use a restroom, or another appropriate place to change.

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