Make a Period Emergency Kit

Most women will experience being unprepared for their period. Therefore, "making a period emergency kit" is great way to ensure you're always prepared! Making a period emergency kit is very easy and useful, keep reading to find out how.


  1. Find something to keep your feminine hygiene products in. This could be a makeup bag, pencil case, a purse or a small wooden box. Almost anything would work. But make sure it's a clean bag and it's decent looking. If you need to bring it to school, it should be a "self-explanatory" an eyeglass case, purse, or makeup bag. Try to make sure this is small enough to go in your backpack, locker, or purse.
  2. Collect all the different products you'll need. It's best to have both pads and tampons, you can also have a menstrual cup with you.
  3. Add some pain reliever medication if needed and perhaps sanitary wipes. Only add pain reliever if your school allows you to.
  4. Put everything neatly inside of the kit.
  5. Hide the kit in a safe spot, but remember where it is. Keeping it in a bag you usually carry around with you is a good idea. you can take it to school, to work, shopping or maybe on an airplane if necessary. Just remember its best to not move it around frequently because that is how you lose it. Maybe you should make a couple kits, one for school and one for your purse.
  6. Have a happily prepared period!


  • Bring an extra underwear just in case!
  • Try to clean it out every month or so, so it stays neat and tidy.
  • Make more than one! You can put them in different places like your locker or your bathroom.
  • You also might want to have a sweat shirt to tie around your waist if an accident does happen.
  • Keep a small calendar or a piece of paper that tells you when you'll have your next period.
  • You could always have 2 pads for your regular flow and 1 for an absorbency higher. (Ex. Let's say you have a regular flow period, bring 2 regular flow pads and 1 heavy flow pad.)The same applies for the tampons.
  • If you decide to put in a little chocolate, make sure you check in your bag to make sure that your chocolate did not melt on your pads, tampons and spare clothing.
  • You can even throw in a few chocolates. Fun-size candy bars or Hershey's kisses may come in handy when you get cravings during your period.
  • Put in tampons and pads just in case you get is in gym class too. Hide your bag somewhere no one could notice it in.
  • You need to make sure that, if you take one to school that you put one or two in your bag/box in your desk or backpack so you can get to it quick and easily.
  • Try making them in different sizes. Perhaps you could have a smaller one for a purse, while you could have a larger one for your bathroom.
  • Bring an extra pair of underwear or shorts, just in case it really catches you by surprise. Then, you won't be stuck with a reddish-brown spot on your shorts or underwear. It's also a lot more comfortable to not be stuck in dried blood.
  • Add some deodorant as when you go you can sweat a bit if you notice a red-brown mark.
  • If you forget your period kit, then go to the nurse. She will have supplies, or ask a friend.
  • Add toilet paper just in case when you change your pad or tampon you can wrap it up and put it in a bin without anybody knowing what it is.
  • Make sure your container isn't clear (unless you don't care about others seeing through it).
  • Bringing a couple of baby wipes in a plastic bag would help to remove stains.
  • You can help friends make their own.
  • Don't let anyone see what's in your purse. Even your friends. They could spread rumors about you.


  • Make sure the container is made of sturdy material that is not going to rip or break. The last thing you want is pads floating around your backpack
  • Remember to change a tampon every 8 hours. Leaving it in longer could potentially lead to (TSS) toxic shock syndrome.

Things You'll Need

  • Pads
  • Tampons
  • Panty-liners
  • Extra underwear
  • Midol, Advil (ibuprofen), or Tylenol. Use the one that works best for you.
  • Plastic bags are probably a good idea if you don't have any waste baskets in your school bathroom.
  • Wet wipes
  • Feminine cleansing cloths
  • Money to buy pads or tampons (in case you run out)
  • Any other items you may need

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