Remember Your New Locker Combination

There are two kinds of lockers––the kind with built-in locks and the kind without. Remembering the locker combination for both types of lockers can be done in numerous ways; just choose the approach that you're likely to find the easiest.


For both built-in locks and external locks

  1. In each of your notebooks or binders, write down your combination as an addition problem. So if your combination was 17/5/37, you would write it as 17+5+37. Or, If they are smaller numbers or you're in a higher grade, do something like 17x5x37. If somebody saw it in your binder or notebook, they would think you were doing homework!
  2. If you have a calendar handy, keep the combo on your birthday.
  3. Write down your combination on a piece of paper. Choose somewhere good to keep it safe.
  4. Make up a rhyme to memorize it. Let's say your combination is 1/44/7: 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 44 o'clock, seven even weaven to heaven. Strange, but it works.
  5. Write the combination in your backpack. Just in case you forget it, write it in Sharpie on the inside of your backpack.
  6. If you have a cell phone, type in your locker number and save it as a contact in your phonebook. For the name however, don't put locker # (people might snoop around on your phone and read it)! Instead, make up a name, example Mr L. N. (for Mr.Locker Number) or Mrs. Lockheart (LOCKheart).
  7. If you carry a daily planner or calendar in you purse, wallet, locker, etc, then write down the combination in code. For example:
    • "Lunch with girls on the 6th of the 11th month at 9 o' clock ".
    • If the numbers are bigger, use this idea: "On the 28 all 30 girls or guys in the (make up or use a club name you and your friends have) will meet for my cousins 16th birthday party."

Built-in locks only

  1. Find out if your school has an open house. If you do, you will usually get your locker combo then. Practice it for ten minutes there. Once you get home, pretend you have your locker combination in your hand and turn it correctly.

External locks only

  1. Separate the lock. Buy your lock a few weeks before school, and keep it by your bed. Practice locking and unlocking it for five minutes in the morning, and five at night. By the time you're back to school, it'll be embedded in your memory.
  2. Separate the lock. In the morning, tell yourself to open your lock before doing something. For example: "I need to open my lock before I get dressed. I need to open my lock before I brush my teeth." And so forth.


  • Do not share your locker combination with anyone.
  • When you're opening your locker, try to shield your lock from others, because you never know who will be snooping around trying to find out your locker combination.
  • If you are in elementary school, tell your homeroom teacher just in case. But only if you trust them.
  • If you carry around a calendar and your number is less than the days in the month, circle the first number, put number 1, and then circle the second number, put number 2, circle number three, and put 3. But write small!
  • Write it on your hand each and every morning and look at it.
  • Take a piece of paper and write down the code. Then tape the paper on the inside of your backpack. Make sure nobody can see it.


  • If you write it in your backpack, make sure nobody sees it.
  • Never give out your locker combination, even to your very best friend. You will regret it! Ask anybody over thirty and they will say they have had a fight with a best friend.
  • If you need very high security, don't write the combination down on anything that you carry with you.
  • If you have trouble dialing the combination, consider using a keyed lock.

Things You'll Need

  • Locker
  • Lock
  • Time

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