Make a Baking Powder Bomb

Creating a baking powder bomb!


  1. Take a Kinder Surprise.
  2. Eat or get to treat somebody that would want the chocolate egg, other then throwing it out.
  3. Remove the toy, so you'll have the plastic cylinder only.
  4. Take some baking powder. Open up the cylinder.
  5. Fill the egg with baking powder. Make it around 40% full.
  6. Take a glass of water or just use the tap.
  7. Fill the other half of the egg with water.
  8. With a very quick movement, snap together the two halves of the egg.
  9. Shake it and throw it.
  10. It will blow when it hits the ground or after a few seconds.
  11. The cylinder should remain intact. If you're not repeating this, bin it.
  12. Repeat from step 4 if you want to.
  13. Finished.


  • The more cooking powder you use, the quicker the explosion will be.
  • If you fully fill both halves of the cylinder, then it will be harder to close it.
  • Take a few times to experiment with amounts.


  • If it fails to explode, be extremely careful when approaching it.
  • Don't throw it directly at people or objects!

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