Make a Bottle Bomb

Plastic bottle “bombs” use a combination of vinegar and baking soda to create a minor explosion and are relatively harmless if used responsibly. This form of bottle “bomb” uses the pressure caused by the interaction of vinegar and baking soda to cause an explosion, but if you prefer a safer (and quieter) alternative, you can also create a small “explosion” with a bottle of diet soda and a Mentos. As is the case with any explosive object, you should use extreme caution and children should only attempt the following under parental supervision.


Using a Bottle and Paper Towel or Plastic Wrap

  1. Make a square to set the baking soda in. Tear a paper towel in half or tear off a square of plastic wrap, approximately 7 inches by 7 inches. Measure out about a tablespoon of baking soda and place it in the center of the paper towel or plastic wrap. Set aside.
  2. Pour the vinegar. Pour about an inch to an inch-and-a-half of vinegar into the bottle. Be careful not to fill it too full or the bomb may explode before you’re ready.
  3. Place the baking soda square inside the bottle. Pick up the paper towel or plastic wrap by the corners so that the baking soda is cupped inside. Stuff the cupped paper towel or plastic wrap just inside the mouth of the bottle so that the portion with the baking soda is just past the mouth and the corners of the paper towel or plastic wrap are poking out of the top of the bottle.
    • Don’t let the paper towel/plastic wrap drop all the way into the bottle.
  4. Find a safe place to set off the bomb. You want a place with plenty of open space, away from people, animals, and property. Keep in mind that you’ll be throwing the bottle, so there should be enough open space for you to be able to throw the bottle a safe distance away from you.
  5. Take the bottle and the bottle cap outside. Bring them to the place where you plan to set off the bomb. Push the paper towel or plastic wrap all the way into the bottle. Screw on the cap and vigorously shake the bottle. As soon as you feel the bottle begin to harden from the internal pressure, throw the bottle up and away from you. The bottle should explode when it hits the ground.
    • Be very careful when shaking the bottle because it could potentially explode in your hands. Take the proper precautions.

Using a Bottle and Plastic Sandwich Bag

  1. Open the plastic sandwich bag. Pour about a tablespoon of baking soda into the bag and hold the bag up by one of the upper corners so the baking soda will settle into one of the bottom corners of the bag. Cut the top off of the plastic bag and set aside.
  2. Pour the vinegar. Pour about an inch to an inch-and-a-half of vinegar into the bottle. Be careful not to fill it too full or the bomb may explode before you’re ready.
  3. Place the plastic bag inside the bottle. Pick up the plastic bag, making sure to keep the baking soda gathered in one corner. Stuff the end of the plastic bag containing the baking soda just inside the mouth of the bottle so that the portion with the baking soda is just past the mouth and the corners of the top of the plastic bag are poking out of the top of the bottle.
    • Don’t let the plastic bag drop all the way into the bottle.
  4. Find a safe place to set off the bomb. You want a place with plenty of open space, away from people, animals, and property. Keep in mind that you’ll be throwing the bottle, so there should be enough open space for you to be able to throw the bottle a safe distance away from you.
  5. Take it outside. Take the bottle and the bottle cap out to the place where you plan to set it off. Push the plastic bag all the way into the bottle. Screw on the cap and vigorously shake the bottle. As soon as you feel the bottle begin to harden from the internal pressure, throw the bottle up and away from you. The bottle should explode when it hits the ground.[1]
    • Be very careful when shaking the bottle because it could potentially explode in your hands. Take the proper precautions.

Using Mentos and Diet Soda

  1. Poke a hole in a Mentos. Take a single Mentos and poke a hole through the center. You can use a nail, safety pin, pencil, ballpoint pen, or similar to create the hole.
    • If you need help getting the object through the center of the Mentos, you can gently tap it with a hammer to push it through. Be careful not to hurt yourself.
    • You can also try tying the string or floss around the Mentos rather than through it, but be sure it’s tied very tightly.[2]
  2. Place a string through the Mentos. Run about four inches of string (sewing thread or floss works best) through the hole in the Mentos. Hold the string by the two ends so that the Mentos is suspended in the center.
  3. Unscrew the top of the diet soda. Put the Mentos just inside to the mouth of the bottle—don’t let it touch the soda—and drape the ends of the string over the lip of the bottle.
  4. Screw on the cap. Keeping the ends of the string outside the bottle, screw the cap back on so that the string is held in place by the tightened cap. Cut off the portions of string left dangling outside the cap.
  5. Wait for someone to open the soda. When they unscrew the cap, the Mentos will drop into the soda and cause the soda to explode out of the bottle. (Be prepared for a mess.)[3]


  • Making or using a bottle bomb can result in injury and should be done in a safe area with parental supervision.[4]
  • Always be sure to keep plenty of distance between yourself and the bomb once it’s active.
  • Be particularly careful when shaking a bottle of vinegar and baking soda, as it can possibly explode in your hand. Wear protective gloves and eyewear.

Things You’ll Need

  • Empty water bottle
  • Paper towel, plastic wrap, or plastic sandwich bag
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Bottle full of diet soda (optional)
  • Mentos candy (optional)
  • Nail, safety pin, pencil, or ballpoint pen (optional)
  • String or dental floss (optional)

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