Make a Bed or Home for Your Stuffed Animal

Every animal needs a home - including stuffed ones. Now that you have adopted a new stuffed animal, you want to take care of it. It's best to make a home, where it can have some privacy. Using this guide, you can make a nice little home for your stuffed animal!


Making a House

  1. Find an unused box. It should be slight longer and wider than your companion. Shoe boxes work very well for small toys, but bigger ones will need bigger boxes. If you're making a house, it's better to use a much bigger box than your companion. If you're using a colored box, remember that this will be the exterior color of the house. The picture shows a great example of a nice bed that the fits the sock monkey very well.
  2. Put a blanket inside the box. This will be your carpet. Be creative! Having a gray carpet isn't very nice. Try adding some patterns. You can also try making it with the color of your walls.
  3. Add some house-like features to it. Windows, chimneys, and doors are wonderful choices. If you're confused, have a look around your own house!
  4. Add some furnishings. You wouldn't want to live in a house with nothing but a window and a carpet, would you? If your stuffed animal is a monkey, you might try adding some rocks and branches so it can climb on. Or if it's more of the human-animal kind, furniture is good. You can try adding in some mini couches, beds, tables and more. Getting these things are quite easy - you can get them from a Barbie set or make them with Dolls and Doll Houses.
  5. Decorate the outside of your box. You might try adding a removable rooftop, a basement, or even some mini garden hoses and a porch! Be creative!
  6. Place the finished house in the desired location. You could put the house in your bedroom, in the kitchen, or even in the bathroom!

Making a Large, Cozy Bed

  1. Find a box that is slightly longer and wider than your companion. A box slightly larger than a shoebox will work.
  2. Cut off all of the flaps on the box.
  3. Get both of the longer flaps and adhere them to the bottom of the box to make the bottom flat (if it already is, skip this step)
  4. Grab one of the smaller flaps of the box, and adhere it to the bottom of the box so it can be used to prop up the bed.
  5. Find a thick fabric to place at the bottom of the box. This will be the mattress.
  6. Find something to use as a pillow.
  7. Place your stuffed friend in the bed. You could even cut out some openings in the bottom to use as storage.
  8. Finished.

Making a Small, Simple Bed

  • This bed won't be as good as the other bed, but is simple to make.
  1. Get a box. If you are using a tissue box, get something to cover the hole. However, do not glue it there, since the hole is useful.
  2. Get a piece of fabric, paper, or even a tissue to put on the box. Put it on top of the box and glue it on. Teddy wouldn't want to sleep on the cold mattress!
  3. Get another piece of fabric or tissue as a blanket.
  4. To make a storage space, cut a hole in the side of the box. If you have a tissue box, just use the hole that's already there.
  5. Finished.


  • You can make a meal using paper and plastic container or tin foil shaped like a bowl. Take your scissors and cut some paper into small bits. When you have enough, put them in the plastic container or bowl.
  • When you are decorating, think "What kind of stuffed animal am I making this bed/house for?" When you are done thinking, decorate your bed/house based on your animal. For example, say he or she is a cat. You would draw cat-like things, like sardines, cat bowls, leashes, cat houses, cat toys, mice, or even cats! If he/her was a dog, you could draw some bones, leashes, dogs, etc.
  • It would be fun to have a friend with you to build this, but not a friend who thinks building your special stuffed animal a house is silly.
  • If you are using glue, make sure you don't get the glue wet!
  • Put a small pillow next to yours for your stuffed animal. They can sleep next to you!


  • When feeding your stuffed animal, do not use real food, as you will probably make a mess of your friend.
  • When using scissors and/or knives for making your house, be careful.

Things You'll Need

  • Box
  • Blanket
  • Stuffed animal
  • Paper
  • Plastic container
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Knife (optional)
  • Decorations
  • Mini furniture
  • Stickers (optional)
  • Markers (optional)

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