Make a Better Impression on the Telephone

Making a positive impression over the telephone is a skill that anyone can master. The key is employing the right sound and etiquette since the other person can’t see you. Relying entirely on sound rather than other senses can be challenging at first. But with a little bit of practice and preparation, you’ll soon be sounding like a pro.


Preparing for Your Call

  1. Decide what you want to accomplish. If you take a few minutes to prepare, this can help you to sound confident and stay focused. Come up with a few objectives that you hope to accomplish on your call. You could even try making a checklist so that you stay on task.[1]
    • One possible objective could be to make a strong impression with a potential employer. This might entail showing interest in the job position, displaying knowledge about the company, and making a strong case as to how you would be beneficial to their mission. You could write down specific accomplishments of yours that are relevant to the job to make sure you don't leave anything out.
    • Another possible objective is to sell a product. This could involve explaining the product's use, making a case as to how the product would benefit the customer, and offering a benefit to buying the product immediately.
  2. Write down information prior to the call. The simple act of writing down the person’s name and any talking points before making the call will put you at ease. That way if you start to feel nervous while talking to the person, you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything important. It’s right there in front of you!
  3. Rehearse the call. Spending time practicing your phone call will help you work out any problem areas ahead of time. Perhaps you aren’t exactly sure how to word something or how to bring up a difficult subject. If you figure this out beforehand, you’ll be able to breeze past any potential challenges.
    • Try asking a friend for help. For example, if you will be interviewing for a job position, your friend could act as the potential employer and conduct a mock interview with you. This can be helpful because your friend might think of questions or notice aspects of your speech that you have overlooked.
    • Try recording yourself speaking as well. This will give you a chance to hear what the other person will and to make adjustments. Pay attention to the sound of your voice and work on wording phrases in a clear, concise manner.
  4. Use the right equipment. Since a phone call relies entirely on sound, using a quality phone is of great importance. No matter how well you speak, if the person can’t understand you, they won’t be impressed. Use a landline over a cell phone since cell phones cut in and out depending on the service. Make sure there isn’t any static on the line and turn off call waiting to avoid any interruptions.[2]
  5. Implement positive body language. Since the person can’t see you, it might be tempting to slouch or hunch over. But did you know that this can come through in the sound of your voice? If you stand with your shoulders back and look straight ahead, your voice will sound much more authoritative and confident.[3]
    • Try smiling to help your voice sound positive and upbeat. It might feel strange at first, but remember that your physicality comes through in your voice. The caller will only think you sound warm and pleasant and won’t have any idea that you’re awkwardly smiling on the other end.
  6. Go somewhere quiet. Preferably, not in your car! Find a quiet, stationary room where you won’t be bothered. Background noise can be incredibly distracting on a call and always sounds unprofessional. A quiet room will help you focus on the caller and allow them to focus on you rather than that weird beeping noise or the boisterous couple nearby.[4]
  7. Look at a photo. If you’re having trouble sounding positive, try looking at something that makes you feel good. Have a picture of your favorite place or your family nearby. This can boost your mood, which will always show through in your voice.
  8. Have a glass of water nearby. In case the conversation lingers, you don’t want your voice to get dry and scratchy. Sometimes nerves can also contribute to dry mouth. The simple act of having water will help you speak at a good volume for as long as you need to.[2]
  9. Have a pen and piece of paper handy. This is for taking any notes during the conversation. Get this ready before you make the call so that you don't have to think about about it. Sometimes telephone calls require follow up or additional steps. Instead of trying to memorize all of this on the spot, write it down so that your conversational success can continue even after the initial call.
  10. Have resources on hand. Depending on the nature of the phone call, having relevant resources for reference can be very useful. This way you can quickly check your resources rather than relying entirely on memory.
    • For a job interview, you might consider printing out some information about the company and any questions that you have.
    • For a sales call, you probably want to have the information about your product on hand.
    • If you are trying to make a date with someone, try having information about the place you’d like to go and have your calendar with you.

Speaking Appropriately

  1. Speak clearly. This means enunciating words, using proper intonation, and speaking slowly. Practice this ahead of time so that it becomes second nature and record yourself to check how you sound. It should never sound robotic or forced, but clear and pleasant. The sound of your voice goes a long way on a phone call. Make sure you don’t mumble![5]
    • Practice speaking more slowly than you normally would. Since it is harder to understand someone over the phone, be sure to take your time without dragging on.
    • Breathing plays a big role in speech as well. Take a deep breath before you start the conversation and then try to maintain even, steady breaths throughout.
  2. Speak courteously. Making good word choices is of utmost importance. If you are trying to sound professional, swearing is never appropriate. When in doubt, err on the side of politeness. For example, instead of contacting a colleague and saying, “What’s up?” try something a little more formal like, “How are you today?”[4]
    • A common courtesy when making the call is to ask the caller, “Is this a good time for you?” This shows consideration for the other person and can eliminate the potential awkwardness of having them rush through the conversation.
    • Courteous speech in other conversational realms also applies on the telephone. For example, don’t underestimate the power of simple phrases such as “please” and “thank you.” Additionally, make sure not to interrupt the other person.[6]
    • Be courteous of the listener's time, as well. There is no need to ramble on or talk someone's ear off. Try to get to the point.
    • Perhaps the number one courtesy is simple honesty. It shows the person that you respect them enough to tell them the truth. No matter how tempting, don’t try to stretch the truth to make yourself look better. This damages rapport and eventually comes to the surface.
  3. Listen actively. A big part of being a good conversationalist on the phone happens without even speaking. It is important to truly listen to the other person and then respond accordingly. If you are having a hard time paying attention, try writing down a few notes about what they are saying.
    • To show that you have listened, repeat part of what they said when you respond, such as, “I appreciated what you said about putting customers first. That’s very important to me as well.” Then you can add on to what they said to continue the conversation.
  4. Use the caller’s name. This is a nice personal touch. It helps to develop a connection with the caller as a person rather than just that voice on the other end of the line. There’s no need to overdo it, but on occasion be sure to include it. You could try saying, “I really enjoyed the time we spent together, Linda, and I hope we can meet up again sometime.”
  5. End on a positive note. The final impression you make is the note you will leave the person with. This will be what stays in their mind. Be sure to thank them for their time and try briefly reminding them of a positive of your conversation. For example, you could say something like, “I appreciate you taking the time to talk today. I’m glad we had the chance to set those goals for our company.”[7]

Using Telephone Etiquette

  1. Answer your phone promptly when it rings. If you are expecting an important call, keep your phone nearby and try to answer it within three rings. Letting your phone ring for a long time can make the caller feel unimportant or get impatient.
  2. Return calls promptly when someone leaves you a message. Try to respond as soon as you are able. This shows the caller that you value them. If you were supposed to be available when they called, make sure to apologize and give them a brief explanation of why you weren’t there. For example, you could say, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you called. My son’s soccer game went into overtime.” Whenever possible, try to let the person know ahead of time that you won’t be available.[5]
  3. Have a professional sounding voice mail. For those times when you aren’t able to get to the phone, have a prerecorded message rather than a computerized one. The messages you leave say a lot about you. If they are unfriendly or haphazard, they can leave your listeners with a negative impression.
    • Choose something like, “Hi! This is Drew. I’m currently unavailable to answer your call. Please leave your name and number and I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thanks a lot and have a great day!” instead of having a computerized voice say, “Box 3709 - leave a message at the tone.”
  4. Follow up as necessary. Oftentimes, a phone call requires multiple conversations. Be sure to get any information needed to follow up with the person and always do what you say you will. If you tell someone, “I will check on those figures and get back to you later today,” then make sure that you check on the figures and get back to them that day!
    • If someone asks you for information that you don't currently have, ask them if it is acceptable to look into it and call them back. You could say something like, "I'm sorry, but I don't have that information right now. Would it be ok to find out and give you a call back?"
  5. Call during business hours. If you aren’t sure when to call, normal business hours (9am to 5pm) are usually a good time. There is nothing worse than being woken by a phone call.
  6. Leave a quality message if the person doesn't respond. State your name, number, and the reason for your call. Make sure to slow down when leaving your phone number so that they have a chance to write it down.


  • Taking a few minutes to write a simple script, practicing it while smiling and standing up, and then recording it while looking at your favorite picture or screensaver, will work wonders to create a better impression and leave people with a positive experience of who you are.
  • We all prefer to interact with people we like and relate with. You can authentically share yourself and connect with others by following these simple steps to lift your spirit and your voice. Invest a few minutes to sound better and you will repeatedly reap rewards for your efforts.
  • Speak like you are at a meeting or a get-together. This can help to calm the feeling of being uncomfortable at being around a disembodied voice.
  • If you don't understand a question, count to five before answering. This will give you time to reflect. If it still doesn't make sense, ask for a rephrasing by stating that you don't quite understand what the speaker wants.


  • Don’t take it too seriously or put too much pressure on yourself. You can have fun with this and learn as you go.

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