Make a Boy Smile
Having a good sense of humour and an interest in your crush's passions are foolproof ways to gain his attention and bring a smile to his face. But even if you don't, read on just in case there is something for you!
Get to Know Him
- Getting to know the boy you have a crush on will help you understand what makes him smile. Talk to the boy you like and figure out some details about his personality. Be careful not to sound as if you are trying to gain information. Instead, try to be interested and join in
- Find out what he finds funny, again don't sound as if you are looking for something.
- Does he like frat boy humour or does he enjoy a drier wit? This will be easy to discover as you spend more time with him and get to know what his favourite TV shows or movies are. Having a night at his or your house is the perfect way to do this.
- Once you get a feel for his sense of humour, cracking a joke or preparing a witty comeback should be met with a hearty chuckle. Don't do this too often or it will start to look a bit weird. If he likes mean jokes then you can do some but be careful not to hurt other's feelings.
- Find out what his passions are and what he likes to do best.
- Nothing lights up a person's eyes more than a conversation about their favourite interests or hobbies. A few of these should get you going!
- Though you may not know much about cars, entering a conversation with him about it and showing a genuine interest in it will surely bring a smile to his face. This is perfect and even if you get bored let him stop the conversation rather than yourself.
Bolster His Confidence
- Stroke his ego. Laugh at his corny jokes. Compliment him on his new shirt. Making him feel good about himself will be one of many reasons he'll want you around and often. Be careful not to do this too often as some men might grow tired of constantly being complimented
- Make sure that you have positive interactions with him. Make him feel like you enjoy his company, and he will begin to enjoy yours.
- Always give him compliments about the things you like about him.
Flirt with Him
- Flirting with a guy lets him know that you are interested in him, and will bring a smile to his face.
- Physical contact is a great way to flirt with a guy. Lightly touching his arm during conversation or holding his hand is a way to express your interest.
- As always, complimenting a boy and joking around with him are also great ways to flirt.
Build His Trust
- Confide in the boy you like. Letting him know that you trust him and have feelings for him gives him an opportunity to reciprocate those feelings.
- Text or call him every once in a while when you aren't hanging out. This tells him that you are thinking about him.
- Listen to him. When he talks, be active in the conversation. Show that you care about what he's telling you.
- Don't be shy. You have nothing to lose. Smiling at a boy is the best way to show your interest, and you can tell pretty quickly if he is also interested.
- Whether you're alone with him or on the other side of the room, catching his eye and showing off your pearly whites is a surefire way to receive a smile in return.
- Smiling at a boy or laughing with him are the best ways to make sure that he smiles back.
- Don't sweat the small stuff. If he didn't laugh at your joke or didn't enjoy your funny story, don't take it personally. Make a note of it and see if another style of humor may hit it off better with him.
- Be patient! A romantic attraction or close friendship doesn't happen overnight. Take your time in getting to know him and enjoy the time you get to spend with him.
- Always be yourself. If you're trying to catch this boy's attention, there is nothing more attractive than confidence in yourself.
- Know when to stop. If you're getting a vibe that he simply "just isn't into you," continuing to try to hang out or talk with him alone might not only be seen as off-putting but slightly creepy. If he isn't interested in any friendship or romantic relationship, it might be best to set your sights elsewhere.
- Don't get too personal. It might hurt his feelings, or even make you look like a stalker!
- Don't get too clingy. In the beginning of a relationship, being around too much or talking to him constantly can be off-putting.
- Don't listen to others that may tease you about liking him!
- If you only want to be friends, don't compliment him too much. Most people think of this as a means of flirting and may get the wrong impression.
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