Make a Good First Impression on the First Day of a New School
Have your parents broken the big news to you? Are you moving to a new school? Do you not know how to make a good impression? Then this article is for you!
- A month or two before going to your new school, check with your friends to see if they are moving to the same school as you. If so, you already have a friend at that school! If not, don't worry, keep reading.
- Before the big day, check the school website. They may have crucial information on it, perhaps regarding rules, the equipment needed, etc.
- Prepare the night before. If your school has a uniform, make sure it is washed, ironed, and by your bed. If not, make sure you choose clothing that is not too revealing, not too dressy, but make sure it doesn't look too casual either. Pack your bag. If you have a list of the things you need, triple check you have everything. You will need these sort of things:
- Pencil case with suitable, useful stationery inside it.
- A book
- A notepad
- Lunch/money
- Your phone (Do not take it to class!)
- A water bottle
- Homework diary/schedule
- Brush your teeth, have a shower, brush your hair (and style it the way you want), get dressed, put on deodorant, and do any other morning routines.
- If you want to put on some make-up, first check that the school allows it. There's nothing worse then being told off on your first day! If you are allowed make-up, only put on a little bit. Maybe some mascara and lipgloss. But don't overdo it. You don't want to come caked up in make-up on your first day!
- Remember to have breakfast! You won't be able to concentrate, and you'll be grumpy if you don't eat something. Even if you just grab a cereal bar, or some sort of fruit, eat something!
- If you are going on a bus, make sure you leave the house 20 minutes before the bus is due to leave. Then you have plenty of time to walk to the station, and wait for the bus.
- If you are being taken to school in a car, make sure you leave fairly early, to avoid being late on your first day. Again, leave early if you are walking to school.
- Arrive at school on time, with your bag packed, and ready to make friends and work hard. The first day is usually hectic, so don't be put off if you see students and teachers stressfully running around.
- If you are assigned a locker, don't let anyone know your combination, or take your key. No matter how friendly they seem to be, you don't know them well enough yet to trust them to that level. On the other hand, when getting your stuff from your locker, try your best to make friends who have lockers beside/above/below you. You will be seeing them a lot, so there's no point making mortal enemies out of each other!
- When going to your classroom, you may be assigned a buddy. If this is the case, don't be shy. They will not take interest in you. However don't be overly confident either. They might label you as cocky. Just be friendly and polite, and remember to ask questions. People love to talk about themselves, and it makes you seem interested.
- Smile at everyone you meet.
- Don't abandon your old Keep in Touch with a Friend. Keep in touch with them a lot. Text and email them regularly.
- If you take the bus make sure you catch it on the first day.
- In a couple of weeks, organize a sleepover and invite your new friends.
- Wash your makeup off after school.
- If you don't have any good shoes why don't you decorate your old sneakers that fit but are totally out of style.
- Express your style. Don't wear uncomfortable clothes that will annoy you the entire day!
- Be yourself and people that have the same interest and stuff with naturally become friends with you.
- Give lots of compliments! Try to compliment different things so you don't sound monotonous. It will brighten the receiver's day, and they'll know you're a kind and friendly person.
- Do NOT go crazy when someone says hi to you.
- Never change your looks just to impress someone.
- Don't wear anything too fancy, You don't want to come to school in a prom dress one day and sweats and a T-shirt the next day!
- Beware of bullies. You might get a lot of attention from these people. Just say "Don't bother me and leave me alone". If they still continue, complain to a teacher.
- Don't wear too much makeup unless you want acne and skin infections.
Things You'll Need
- Toothbrush
- Shampoo
- Good clothes
- Choose a Backpack for School
- Makeup
- Pouch
- Water bottle
- Lunch
- Lunch money (if you buy your lunch)
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