Make a Hidden Icon on Windows XP

Find out how to easily hide folders and files without "logically hiding them".


  1. Choose any file or folder and make a shortcut of the particular file or folder. Note that you cannot hide the original file but only the shortcut. To make a shortcut, right click the file and then click Send To and then click Desktop (create shortcut).
  2. Go to your Desktop and search for the shortcut.
  3. Press Num Lock button to activate Num Lock (i.e., the Num Lock light at the top right corner is lighted).
  4. Right click the icon and choose Rename. Hold down Alt while entering the number 0160 on the Number Pad instead of the row of numbers at the left side, simply because in doing so it will not work properly. You now have a space that is actually a symbol and is not understood as a regular space.
  5. Right click the file again and select Properties from the file or folder's menu.
  6. Choose Change Icon.
  7. Select one of the empty space icons and click OK. You have now hidden a file or folder that actually has a "regular" name and icon.


  • Once you've hidden an icon and want to know where you've placed it, select all icons in the Desktop or Folder. If you see an odd space, that's your file or folder.
  • This cannot be done by simply pressing Space Bar.
  • If you forget where you put your file or folder, refresh your desktop by right-clicking and selecting "Refresh", or by simply pressing the F5 key. Refreshing causes all of the desktop icons to flash, which will reveal your hidden icon.
  • This can also be done on Windows Vista.


  • After "hiding" a file or folder, remember to hide it somewhere you can easily find it.
  • Certain files and folders on the Desktop or Folders cannot be renamed.
  • On Windows 7, if you roll over the icon it can be seen.
  • If a user refreshes the screen the icon will slightly blink.

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