Make a Paperclip Lip Ring

Do your parents not want you to get a lip ring, or are you not sure if you'll look good with one? Well, here's the alternative: A paperclip lip ring.


  1. Find a skinny paperclip and something that will make a clean cut, like pliers, wire cutters, or scissors.
  2. Curl the paperclip to a size that you can make a small circle to fit around your lip. You can do this by wrapping it around a pencil or pen.
  3. Cut it.
  4. Leave about a 1/2 a centimeter of a gap between the two ends of the paperclip. This is so you can fit it onto your lip. Make sure it isn't too loose or too tight.
  5. Place it anywhere on your bottom lip.


  • File down the ends of the cut paperclip, so they aren't too pointy.
  • Putting the paperclip in peroxide or rubbing alcohol and letting it dry is an effective cleaning method.
  • When you make the loop, fold some extra wire so it doesn't cut your lip.

Things You'll Need

  • Small Paperclip
  • Scissors/Wire cutters
  • Pen/Pencil

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