Make a Simple Flour Bomb

Have you ever seen your sister or an easy victim walking home from school or work, and didn't have the right ingredients to make a smoke bomb to chuck at them? The Simple Flour Bomb can be made out of simple ingredients, hence the name, using only flour and water.


  1. Wet a standard paper towel until you can practically see through it.
  2. Lay the now wet paper towel down on your kitchen counter. Get out your flour, as in the cooking flour, not the pretty ones. Take three large scoops from a simple spoon and lay it down in the center of the paper towel.
  3. Pull up all 4 corners and twist them together, just a few twists (1 or 2, but make sure it won't come loose when flying through the air.)
  4. Be careful not to rip the paper towel. Hide in a tree along the victims route. When they are directly under you, drop it on the victim. The flour bomb will explode all over the victim, covering them with flour.

Alternate Method

  1. Gather a balloon, flour, a funnel and a small spoon.
  2. Place the funnel in the balloon.
  3. Pour flour all the way to the top of the balloon.
  4. Blow half the balloon up. Don't tie it, but don't let air escape.
  5. Pour water on the balloon.
  6. Let out a quarter of the air.
  7. Tie it firmly.
  8. Throw at a tree or wall. Alternatively, you can just pop it.


  • Do not wring out the paper towel, you want it soaking wet so it will come apart when it comes in contact with the victim.
  • When wetting the paper towel, remember to be careful so it does not rip.
  • Prepare this when the person is en route. If you keep hold of it too long, the flour will get sticky and won't come apart. Use withing 10-20 minutes of having made it.


  • Remember to use non-stain cooking flour. You do not want the person's shirt getting stained, (Unless you get a kick out of ruining people's clothes, which can be quite fun.)
  • Do not drop the flour bomb on anyone who would potentially tell.

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