Make a Small Charge Battery

Ever want a little light but can't find a flashlight or a battery? Here's how to solve that problem.


  1. Gather the supplies needed for construction.
  2. Cut the foil into circles the size of the quarter.
  3. Cut the blotting paper into circles bigger than the foil or coin.
  4. Dissolve and mix the 2 tablespoons salt into the vinegar.
  5. Use the masking tape to attach the end of one of the wires to the underside of a foil disk.
  6. Next, stack in the following order: foil, paper, coin, foil, paper coin. Each foil/paper/coin combination is a tiny battery, yet it will take quite a few of these to light even an LED (light-emitting diode).
  7. Place one wire on the topmost quarter, which will be the positive terminal and bottom of the battery, the aluminum foil, which will be the negative terminal.
  8. Connect the wires to the correct spots on the light bulb or LED.
  9. Finished.


  • For each pair of coins it is about one third of a volt.


  • Do not put these in an electrical device for a permanent battery.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 Pieces of Copper Wire (taken from any electrical wire or flex)
  • Quarters (varies on what you are powering)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Salt
  • A Glass of Water
  • blotting paper
  • Cider Vinegar
  • A Light Emitting Device like an LED (available from most model and hardware shops)
  • Metal Kitchen Foil
  • Masking Tape

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