Manage a Restaurant
Running any restaurant is not easy. Managing a restaurant is a serious undertaking that requires commitment, diligence, tact and understanding. You can make the job easier by developing and implementing a series of considered and thorough plans, policies and procedures. As a manger, it's always better to work consensually with your staff, so keep clear communication and make sure everybody buys into the restaurant and has a stake in its success.
Managing Restaurant Staff
- Train your staff. An essential part of successfully managing your restaurant is managing your staff and facilitating their personal and professional development. Having well-trained and committed staff who see the possibility to progress in the business and develop their skills with only help you and your restaurant. Make sure there are regular training sessions and encourage your employees to seek out external training opportunities.
- If everyone is trained-up you will feel less need to monitor daily activities so closely.
- For example, be sure all kitchen staff are fully competent and clued up on plating and portion sizes.
- Training also helps demonstrate your expectations of your employees.
- If someone is struggling, offer retraining before using any disciplinary measures.
- Trust your staff. Having a healthy mutual respect and trust is key to managing a restaurant that can run smoothly without you monitoring every little thing. If you invest some trust in your staff, they will usually rise to the challenge and feel more invested in the business.
- For example, you can empower your front of house or waiting staff to deal with small customer complaints themselves, after the appropriate training.
- Ensure that your staff know at which point they should involve you to deal with a complaint.
- Keep staff motivated. To get the best out of your employees it's important to keep them motivated and engaged. There are a number ways to go about this, but the first is to get them involved in the business beyond just doing their jobs. For example, ask them to contribute to team meetings and brainstorm ideas about where the restaurant could improve.
- Keep open lines of communication and make sure everybody in the restaurant has a voice and a stake in it's success.
- Be sure to share responsibility for both the successes and failures of restaurant. Ultimately it is the product of everybody's work.
- Be supportive. Being aware of the personal circumstances of your staff and sympathetic to their needs can go a a long way towards building up mutual respect and a happy, committed workforce. For example, your staff may have childcare issues or varying college timetables to deal with alongside their work commitments. Keep this in mind and be flexible when possible. This will help a "we're in this together" feeling to germinate.
- If you set an example for others to follow, you can find that employees will be more willing to cover shifts for each other and create a positive and supportive environment.
Managing Your Restaurant Day-to-Day
- Implement your procedures. The first part of managing your restaurant day-to-day is to make sure that you actually implement all the policies and procedures you have. These plans should be incorporated into the practice of running your restaurant and be a constant reference point for you to turn to. They are useless if you don't implement them.
- Although you need to implement the policies, you will need to be flexible at certain points.
- If in practice you discover that a particular policy is not working or needs revision, don't hesitate to think it through again. Just because it is the rule doesn't mean it can't be improved.
- Manage your inventory. An essential element of maintaining a productive restaurant is making sure you have a well-stocked and maintained inventory. Because food is only good for so long, your inventory needs to be checked and monitored very frequently with regular adjustments made. The first step to successful inventory management is keeping all your stock organised and clearly arranged so you can get a basic picture at a glance.
- Do a full inventory every week, ideally at the end of the week so you know precisely how much of what was used during the week.
- Use two people to do the inventory, one to count and the other to record. Having two pairs of eyes will reduce the chances of any mistakes.
- You may want to use the same people for this each week.
- Monitor the food and service, but not too closely. When the restaurant is busy with customers it can become a very stressful and intense place to be. As a manager it's important that you keep calm and cool. Keep a loose eye on the food that is being produced, the level of service from the waiting staff, and the reactions of the customers. It can be tempting to get closely involved, but it's important that you can take a step back and see the broader picture.
- Having well-trained staff that you trust is crucial in order to enable the manager to steer clear of the minutiae of operations.
- Delegate to team managers or supervisors whenever possible and appropriate.
- If you become bogged down in the daily operations you can lose sight of the strategic view and neglect crucial areas such as marketing and business development.
- Abide by all regulations. This should go without saying, but you need to ensure that you abide by all the relevant health and safety and food safety regulations in your area. Compliance should be built into the heart of your everyday operations, but it's a good idea to have regular checks and monitor this. The costs will be serious if you fall below the standards required by the law.
- Consider using restaurant management tools. Many restaurant managers and owners do not use easily available restaurant management tools. There are restaurant management tools available available to download and purchase on the internet that can help make your life easier.
- The cost may outweigh the benefit so take time to consider whether you really need this software.
- Look for testimony and reviews and remember to think of the different scale of different businesses. What may be economic for a big franchise, may not be for a small independent restaurant.
Not only have these tools already been developed and tested before, they will save you time should you need to develop a new restaurant management tool like a spreadsheet, form or template.
Handling Customer Complaints
- Think of a complaint as an opportunity. No matter how great your food and service is, you will likely find yourself receiving occasional complaints from your customers. Before dealing with them, try to get into the mindset where you approach each complaint as an opportunity to learn and improve your service. Being positive in your response from the start can make handling complaints a little easier. Think of it as a second chance to do it right.
- Often people don't complain about poor service or problems with the food, so it's a real opportunity for you to understand and address what could be an ongoing problem.
- Listen and apologize. When you receive a complaint the first thing to do is be sure you listen carefully to what your customer is saying and acknowledge her complaint. As the manager you should show you take her concerns seriously by personally speaking to the customer at her table.
- Take time to really understand what has gone wrong and thank the customer for bringing it to your attention.
- If they hadn't spoken up you may not have learned of the problem so it would not have been addressed.
- Act quickly. Once you have fully understood the problem, act quickly to resolve it and give the customer exactly what she is asking for. If, for example, she wants her meat cooked in a different way, make sure you accommodate her. Or, offer her anything else on the menu if she would prefer something else entirely.
- After dealing with the complaint, try to get her back on side by offering something extra, such as a free dessert or drink. Or even a discount on her next visit.
- Even if you think her complaint was not totally legitimate you should go out of your way to ensure she leaves with a good impression.
- Monitor online complaints and feedback. As well as complaints in person in the restaurant you may find that people leave reviews of your restaurant online. These can have a significant impact on your business so it's important that you give these complaints your full attention. Check the main sites where your restaurant is listed twice a day and respond to complaint swiftly and professionally.
- You may delegate a staff member to keep an eye on these and inform you of any negative reviews.
- There are apps available that will alert you when someone posts a review of your restaurant on a listings and review website.
Developing Management Strategies and Procedures
- Create a management plan. The first step to successfully managing a restaurant is drawing up a comprehensive management plan. The management and organization of your business should be a part of your larger business plan. The management section should clearly indicate the responsibilities of the respective parts of the management team and the procedures you use to maintain clear communication and co-operation across different part of the business.
- For example, if you have a separate finance manager, or Market a Restaurant manager, you should detail the structures that ensure that everybody is working to the same goals and with the same strategies.
- It should be completely clear who is responsible for what, and the oversight procedures in place.
- It can be a good idea to consult with your staff as you write and revise this, and be sure that everybody knows their own responsibilities and understands each other's roles.
- You can access examples from other restaurants online.
- Draw up policies and procedures for daily operations. An important element in a well-managed restaurant is the existence of a clearly defined, well-understood, and consistently applied architecture of policies and procedures. These are the basic backbones of you restaurant that will help with the daily decision-making and enable all your staff to better understand their roles. Think of this as an operations manual that records and shapes how the business works.
- Clear Human Resources and Personnel procedures for dealing with staff.
- Ordering procedures for stock so that you do not run out of anything, or get an excess of anything.
- Procedures and codes of conduct for staff behaviour in the kitchen and front of house.
- Financial reporting procedures so that the financial health of the restaurant is always well-known. These should clearly record all in-comings and out-goings.
- Procedures for handling money, emptying tills, and opening and closing the restaurant
- Procedures for ensuring food safety and compliance with all relevant legislation. You can find food safety plan templates to use online.
You will need to include:
- Develop a clear strategic vision. Part of reason to develop clear business and management plans, as well as determined policies and procedures for daily operations, is to create a clear identity for your restaurant. How you manage your business will go a long way towards shaping its development and that of you and your staff. Consider writing out a statement of your vision and values for the business. This could be a guiding group of statements that you refer back to.
- For example, if you want to be a vegetarian restaurant, or only use organic local ingredients, write this up into a mission statement.
- Having statements like this can help you keep sight of why you started the business in the first place. Especially during tough periods.
- You could have a mission statement that delineates your founding purpose and a vision that describes where you want to reach.
- If you are struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help.
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