Massage a Newborn Baby

Baby massage is becoming quite popular as the benefits become more apparent. Baby massage has been used by parents to promote better sleep, improve motor skills and soothe colicky babies. It may even aid in boosting the immune system of infants. It is a great way for parents and baby to enhance the bonding experience and can easily be incorporated into the daily routine of baby care.



  1. Start by educating yourself about the normal reflexes of a newborn baby. Babies are born with reflexes that occur normally in response to certain touches. By understanding these reflexes, you will be able to calmly incorporate them into your massage routine.
  2. Test the reaction that your baby has to certain touches. When you touch the cheek, your baby will turn her head towards that touch. If you stroke the sole of the foot; your baby will curl her toes towards that touch. The same is true if you stroke the palm of her hand. Turn her head to the side and she will arch her whole body away. These are common reactions that almost all babies have when touched.

Start Early

  1. Begin massaging your baby as soon after birth as possible if she was born without complications or if she did not need the use of medical equipment or assistance. The sooner you begin the massage process, the more natural the experience will be for your baby.
  2. Keep in mind that you should not use an upward stroke on babies 6 weeks or less in order to avoid over-stimulation.

Use Different Strokes

  1. Discover the various ways to stroke your baby. All strokes should be done with a slow, lightly pressured touch.
  2. Start with gentle strokes and gradually build up the pressure a little at a time. Keep the strokes firm enough to prevent tickling.
  3. Kneading the shoulders lightly but only if baby will tolerate it. If she appears uncomfortable stop kneading.
  4. Realize that generally an upward stroke will stimulate the nervous system while a downward stroke will result in a calming effect.

Use Oils

  1. Seek the advice of a professional regarding the use of oils for massage purposes. Some are more suited for massage than others. There are some that probably should be avoided. You will want to be sure to use anti-allergic oils and unscented oils until your baby is 3 months old.
  2. Discover the best oils to use for massaging your baby. Natural oils such as almond oil work well while offering a pleasant scent. Fragrant oils such as lavender and vanilla can be added to fresh olive oil or vegetable oil.
  3. Test all new oils on a small area of your baby’s skin a day prior to using it for massage purposes. If your baby appears to have a reaction to the oil you will want to avoid using it on her.
  4. Avoid using oils on your baby’s face or head during a massage.

Work From Top to Bottom

  1. Start at your baby’s head. With both thumbs at the center of your baby’s forehead, begin gently pushing outward. Continue to massage different facial parts. Using your thumbs, make small circle motions over her cheeks, mouth area and jaw.
  2. Move onto the upper limbs. Gently massage each of her arms in your hands. Incorporate the hands into this by opening and massaging each finger individually.
  3. Slide your hands to the tummy and roll over the tummy from right to left, back and forth several times to cover the entire area.
  4. Slip down to the legs and roll each leg between your hands in a gentle motion. Include the feet and toes.
  5. Move to the back area and continue stroking from side to side before progressing to an up and down motion.

Watch Your Timing

  1. Choose a time of day that you will have the amount of time necessary to proceed with the massage with out being interrupted. You want to be relaxed and able to enjoy this time with your baby.
  2. Avoid massaging your baby when she has a full tummy. Your baby will not do well if it is close to her feeding time. Timing midway between feedings will generally be the best option.


  1. Make sure that the room is set at an adequate temperature to keep your baby warm . Your baby will not respond well to a massage session if the room is chilly.
  2. Undress your baby down to only a diaper so that you can easily work with all of her body parts. The skin to skin touch is preferable and promotes better comfort and bonding. Keep a warm blanket nearby to cover your baby if she appears to react negatively to the stripping. You can keep your baby covered with the blanket and expose only the area you are working on.
  3. Make comfort a priority for both you and your baby during the session. Sit where ever you and your baby will be most comfortable. You can sit on a bed with your baby placed between your legs. If using the floor, place a comfy blanket under you and your baby. Your baby can also lie across your lap rather than between your legs if you both find comfort in this position.
  4. Warm any oils that you plan to use between your palms before applying them to your baby’s skin. Nothing will end a session quicker than some cold oil placed on your baby’s chest. If you are going to incorporate oil into the session, remember to protect your bedding and clothing with a towel.
  5. Play some soft music or sing softly to your baby during the massage session. Not only will this relax your baby, but the sound of your voice will help strengthen the bond.

Take a Time-Out

  1. Watch for cues that your baby has had enough. Back arching is usually a sign that your baby is being over-stimulated. If your baby appears to be distressed or not responding in a relaxed manner you should end the session and retry again later.
  2. Keep in mind that babies respond well to routines and your baby may become more responsive to massage sessions if you schedule them close to the same time daily. One of the best times for your baby may be after her last feeding for the night. Massage can help stimulate digestion and promote a state of relaxation that will assist with a sounder sleep.


  • Watch for signs of distress visible by a change in skin color, restlessness, straining, crying or limpness. If baby shows signs of discomfort end the massage session.

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