Swaddle a Baby

Need to make a fussy baby feel cozy and safe? Swaddling is an age-old tradition that mimics the conditions of the womb, and all you need is a blanket and some clever folding. Your baby will be sure to be happy, warm, and contented.


Doing a Basic Swaddle

  1. Lay out the blanket on a flat surface. Arrange it in a diamond shape. The blanket should be at least 40"x40" and if you can buy a blanket specifically for swaddle, this is best.
    • You will also want to make sure that the swaddle blanket is a very thin, stretchy material. This will make it easier to swaddle the baby but will also keep him or her from getting too hot.
  2. Fold down the top corner of the blanket. The fold at the top should be about as long as the baby is tall.
  3. Place the baby. Lay down the baby on the blanket, so that his or her neck is on the fold. If your baby is very young, be sure their head and body are properly supported while you do this.
  4. Move the baby's arm into position. Gently place the baby's arm at his or her side, and hold it in place. Alternatively, you can hold it bent towards their chest/tummy, like they are in the womb. This is harder to swaddle tightly, though your baby will be more comfortable.
  5. Wrap the first side. Pull one corner of the blanket (the same as the arm you're holding in place) over the baby's body, and tuck it underneath his or her back. The blanket should be tucked snugly enough to hold the baby's arm in place at his or her side.
  6. Move the baby's other arm into position. Gently place the baby's other arm at his or her side, and hold it in place. As with the previous arm, you can also move this one to the chest/tummy as well.
  7. Close the bottom of the swaddle. Pull the bottom corner of the blanket up toward the center of the baby's shoulders. Tuck it behind the baby's left shoulder so that it's between the shoulder and the bottom layer of the blanket.
    • Important: Leave plenty of room for the baby's feet to move within the swaddle. This will prevent overheating and, over the long term, hip dysplasia.
  8. Pull the right corner of the blanket over the baby. Fold it so that the left and right corners form a V-neck swaddle. Don't tuck the end anywhere yet. Using your left hand, gently hold the blanket in place on the baby's chest.
  9. Flip the corner. With your right hand, flip over the right corner which should be somewhere near the baby's feet.
  10. Finish the swaddle. Pull the flipped right corner up over the baby's right shoulder, and tuck it into the back of the swaddle. You'll probably need to lift the baby to complete the final tuck.
  11. Finished. Make sure your baby doesn't get too hot and that their airway is not blocked. Never swaddle a pacifier into a baby's mouth.

Swaddling Safely

  1. Understand SIDS. SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is the sudden and unexplainable death of a healthy baby.[1] This usually happens when the baby is asleep. Many parents worry about SIDS and they may associate it with swaddling. This is because, many times, the cause of the infant's death is later determined to be suffocation due to a number of factors. However, swaddling itself cannot cause SIDS. If precautions are taken, swaddling is very safe and beneficial to your baby.
  2. Don't swaddle too tight. If you swaddle the baby too tight, especially if the baby is very young, they may have trouble filling their lungs with air. The swaddle should be tight enough that they can inhale, just not loose enough that they can get their arms free. Keep an eye on your baby for a few minutes and make sure their breathing isn't labored, if you're worried.
  3. Don't swaddle a pacifier into your baby's mouth. Babies spit out their pacifiers and then get upset when they realize it's not there anymore. This is a near universal occurrence! But you should not swaddle the baby so that the pacifier is held in their mouth. It will solve the spitting out problem, but if your baby needs to breathe through their mouth or something like that, it can cause them to choke!
  4. Keep your baby on its back. This is the most important way to keep your baby safe while sleeping, especially if they are swaddled. Infants are very weak and often not strong enough to lift their body with each inhale enough to get a proper breath of air if they are on their stomach. This is why you should always sleep a baby on its back: so that it can breathe free and easy.
  5. Use a firm mattress in baby's crib. A mattress which is too soft can suffocate a baby, if they do end up face-down in the crib. A firm mattress will let baby sleep and keep them safe.
  6. Remove excess pillows, stuffed animals, and other items from the crib. These present a hazard, if baby gets its face pushed up against items like these. Only put things in the crib which baby absolutely needs.


  • Swaddling may help comfort colicky babies.
  • For sleeping, always place a swaddled baby on his or her back. This can help prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
  • Check with your baby's medical provider to see if swaddling is approved for your child.
  • If you want to cover your baby's head, leave all four corners of the receiving blanket flat. Follow the rest of the directions, and use the top corner to cover the baby's head once the rest of the baby is swaddled.


  • Swaddling should only be done to infants, and can be harmful to toddlers who are mobile.
  • Do not swaddle your baby if he or she has dysplasia.

Things You'll Need

  • Blanket

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