Get a Baby to Stop Crying

First-time parents will often find it difficult trying to stop their baby from crying. It is perfectly natural for a baby to cry almost every day, especially in the first few months. While you can give your baby time to cool down in later months, early on you will need to address their concerns right away. This could mean giving your baby something to eat, rocking him/her back and forth, or playing a game with your child. Each of the steps is easy enough, but it may take some time to try and find which ones work best for your baby.


Addressing Everyday Problems

  1. Feed your baby. Look for signs of hunger, such as the smacking of lips, crying, rooting (baby turning his/her head toward you when you touch their cheek), and putting his/her hands in his/her mouth. Feed your baby either pumped breast milk or formula (for infants), and avoid water and/or juice. You can also feed him/her certain types of baby food out of a jar (for older babies), but make sure that it is mushed and easy to eat. In a crisis situation, it is best to stick to the bottle which also acts as a pacifier.[1][2][3]
    • Clean the bottle. Make sure that there is no leftover formula stuck in the nipple. Do not use any harsh chemicals on the bottle which can contaminate the formula. Use wire brushes to get the hard to reach areas.
    • Make sure to buy iron-fortified formula. Babies should be drinking about 6-8 ounces of formula per feeding.
    • Warm the breast milk or formula under warm water. Do not use a microwave which can cause hot spots that burn your baby's mouth.
    • Hold your baby on his/her back, resting in your arm, as you feed him/her. Maintain control of the bottle with your other hand.
  2. Burp your baby. After he/she is done eating, he/she may start to cry because of a gas build-up in his/her stomach. The best way to burp your baby is to lean your baby's stomach over your shoulder. One hand should be on the baby's bottom while the other is in the head/neck region. Try to keep the head of your baby facing up so that he/she can release the gas build-up better. Gently bump your shoulder up and down, giving your baby time to belch.[4]
  3. Change your baby's dirty diaper. Look for signs such as crying, off-putting smell, wetness, or constant movement. You will want to check your baby's diapers constantly so that he/she does not have time to develop diaper rash. Wash your hands before you change the diaper, and always do it in a warm, sanitized location (bathroom sink, kitchen table, etc.). Place a clean towel down on the surface for your baby to lay on.[5][6]
    • Undo the side straps of the diaper, and wipe away any excess urine/waste using a clean area of the soiled diaper.
    • Use a clean towel, or cloth, soaked in water to clean your baby's backside and between his legs. You can also use baby wipes. Apply baby powder to help him/her avoid diaper rash.
    • Place a new diaper underneath him/her. Pull it between his/her legs, and fasten it on both sides.
  4. Relieve your baby's gas problem. Look for crying, especially after a feeding session, or a long day. Lay your baby on his/her back on top of a soft blanket. Grab each of his/her legs and begin to bicycle them (this is the same motion as you would pedal a bicycle). Wait until you either hear his/her relieve himself/herself, or he/she stops crying.[7][1]
    • You can also contact your doctor about using infant gas drops which help your baby pass gas.
    • Make sure to consult your doctor about constant gas problems. This could be related to acid reflux, lactose intolerance, constipation, the stomach flu, etc.
  5. Give your baby something to suck on. This could be your finger, nipple, baby bottle, or a pacifier. Babies, especially up to 7 months old, have strong sucking needs. This is a quick remedy to a long-term problem. Do not let her suck on it for hours at a time. After 7 or 8 months, you will need to wean your baby off of what she is sucking on.[8][9][6]
    • He/she may also want an object which comforts himself/herself. This could be a special teddy bear, blanket, rubber toy, etc. Just make sure that the object you give him/her can't be swallowed.
  6. Take your baby to his/her crib. Sometimes the best solution is the easiest. A baby will often cry a lot if he/she needs to go to sleep. He/she may also yawn, be a tad cranky, or simply be falling asleep. You can hold him/her in your arms before you take him/her to his/her crib. After he/she is calm, lay him/her down in his/her crib on a soft blanket. A musical mobile hanging above the bed, playing a song, can help lure him/her to sleep. Always keep a baby monitor on if you plan on going out of the room.[10]
  7. Monitor your baby's health. One of the biggest problems that occurs with babies is the development of colic. This is where your baby will cry incessantly for 3 or 4 hours at a time. If this happens with your baby and you are breastfeeding, watch your diet. Avoid dairy, caffeine, and onions. If your baby continues to cry uncontrollably, it is best to see a doctor for a more professional remedy.[11][7][12]

Providing Calm Stimuli

  1. Swaddle your baby. This provides your baby with a warm, snug, and secure feeling. The key is to wrap your baby tightly, without over-wrapping. Start by grabbing a small blanket, and lay it so it looks like a diamond. Then take the top corner and fold it all the way down to the other corner. This should create what looks like an upside-down triangle. Center your baby in the middle of the blanket and pull his/her arms inward.[12][7]
    • Take the left corner and pull it all the way across the baby. Tuck it underneath his/her back on the other side.
    • Take the right corner and pull it all the way to the left. Tuck that underneath his/her back as well. You can use a small pin to secure the blanket (don't stick your baby). Finish the fold by tucking the bottom of the blanket underneath the baby.
    • Keep the top open so the baby's head is fully exposed. You do not want to smother your baby. You can also pull back some of the blanket at any time you think it is too tight.
  2. Cuddle with your baby. Babies, especially during the first few months, need lots of care and attention. Hold your baby in your dominant arm, while the other arm secures the baby. Bend your elbows at 45 degree angles. Rest your baby's head in the crook of your elbow. Move your body slightly up and down as you hold your baby. Make sure that your baby is resting against your body, as he/she may like to hear your heartbeat and see your face.[1][8]
    • You can also drape your baby over your shoulder as long as one hand secures the back and the other secures the head. The stomach of your baby should press against your shoulder.
    • Use a baby sling if your arms get too tired. You will wrap the sling around your neck/upper back. Make sure that your baby's face isn't covered as he/she rests in the sling.
  3. Provide your baby with a calm environment. While some babies like noises, some like it to be quiet and dark. Dim the lights in your house so that they do not bother the baby's eyes. Turn off the television, the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, etc. Or, you can place your baby in a room nearby that provides for more sound insulation. You might also want to check the internal temperature of the house. If it is too hot, or too cold, that can bother the baby's nerves.[7][6]
  4. Turn on some noises. While some babies like the peace and quiet, some others like background noises. Some great options are: turn on your vacuum cleaner, turn on a fan, or say "Shhhh" slowly and softly in his/her ear. You can also use white noise to calm your crying baby. This could mean playing soothing music (waterfall, beach, etc.) or placing your baby near (NOT on) the washing machine. Babies love the consistent sound of rushing water.[13][14][9]
  5. Take your baby outside. Secure your baby in a stroller or place your baby in a sling around your shoulder. Your baby will appreciate seeing new things, and breathing fresh air. Don't go too far away from your house in case there is an emergency with your baby. Always bring a bottle, pacifier, diaper, etc. with you when you leave. Go walk with your baby for about 1/2-1 hour. The bumps of the stroller will also calm your baby down.[11][7]
    • Make sure not to go anywhere too rugged. Stay away from stone driveways or mountainous terrain.
    • If you live in the city, especially in places like Los Angeles and New York, check the air quality on the local news before you leave. If you live in the city or country, make sure that you don't get behind cars which can spray exhaust.

Putting a Smile on Your Baby's Face

  1. Sing to your child. If your baby is crying and having trouble sleeping, sometimes the easiest remedies are the best. Sing a lullaby to your baby, or just hum as you watch your baby. He/she will focus on the notes and your face, and finally relax. As you are singing to him, you can either lay him/her in his/her crib, or hold and rock him/her in your arms.[14]
  2. Give your child attention. Sometimes babies just want attention and focus from their parents. You should have a few toys lying around at all times, whether it be a teddy bear, a ball, or a comforting object. Rub your nose against your baby's while speaking in "baby talk." Grab your baby underneath his/her arms and lift your baby up into the air slowly. Go up and down, and watch as your baby goes from crying to smiling.[15]
  3. Play a game with your baby. Put your hands over your eyes, pull them away, and say "peek-a-boo!" Make funny faces at your baby by scrunching your face, and wait for him/her to laugh. Place him/her on the carpet and crawl around on the floor with him/her. Place your hand in front of his/her face and wait for him/her to touch your hand with his/her.[16]
  4. Give your baby a massage. The warm touch of your hands can console your baby almost instantly, especially when he/she is feeling muscle or joint pain (commonly referred to as "growing pains"). You will want to lay your baby in a comfortable position, like on the couch or the bed. Take your baby's clothes off except for his/her diaper. Use baby oil or lotion to conduct the massage. You will want to work in soft, gentle motions. If your baby cries even stronger when you begin to give the massage, it is best to move onto a different step.[8][17]
    • Make sure to work the face, arms, legs, back, and stomach.
    • Use slow circular motions as well as hand-over-hand motions. Use thumb-over-thumb motions to massage your baby's hands and feet. Separate and massage each finger and toe.
  5. Take your baby out of the house. You can go visit his/her grandparents' house, or to your job. Sometimes seeing different faces can cause your baby to cheer up. They will also be able to provide love and affection when you are worn out throughout the day. Make sure that the people are safe to be around, and never leave your baby with them unless you sincerely trust them. Breathing fresh air, going in a car ride, and traveling to new places can excite your baby's senses and make him/her forget about crying.[7][13]
    • Make sure if you take your baby in a car that you are using adequate safety measures, such as placing your baby in the back seat, in a secure baby carriage/child's chair.


  • Ask someone who has a newborn. They will be able to give you advice about what they found that works best. However, always remember that your child is unique, and may require different steps to be taken.
  • Really get to know your baby. The first few months of your baby's life are a special time. Even when they are crying, relish in your role as a parent.
  • Never get discouraged when one or two of the steps don't work. For your baby's sake, and your own, try multiple steps, and try them multiple times.
  • Sometimes your baby might have a problem with his/her digestion. Try massaging the baby's stomach or if problem still persists,it is best to consult a doctor.


  • Never spank or hit your baby. He/she is too young to understand why you are physically punishing him/her. Spanking will only cause him/her to cry longer, and it can cause long-term psychological damage.
  • Take your child to the doctor for regular check-ups. Crying for excessive amounts of time might mean that there is a serious problem which needs to be remedied.
  • Always keep an eye on your baby. Even if your baby won't stop crying, it is unacceptable to place him/her somewhere secluded, or far away.

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2
  9. 9.0 9.1
  11. 11.0 11.1
  12. 12.0 12.1
  13. 13.0 13.1
  14. 14.0 14.1

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