Melt Sugar

Melting sugar, or caramelizing it, is the process of combining sugar with water and cooking it over low heat until it dissolves and begins to turn golden brown. Melted sugar can be cast or blown into shapes, and melting sugar is also the first step in making caramel. The process isn't difficult, but it's important to monitor the sugar carefully so it doesn't burn. See Step 1 to find out how.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons water


Part One: Melting Sugar

  1. Measure out the sugar. Determine how much sugar you want to melt. Since sugar is so tricky to melt evenly without letting it burn, you shouldn't attempt to melt more than 2 cups at a time.[1] If you need more for your recipe, melt a second batch separately.
    • Use white granular sugar, also known as table sugar.
    • A good rule of thumb when melting sugar is that 2 cups of sugar will make enough melted sugar to make 1 cup of caramel.
  2. Place the sugar and cold water in a heavy-bottomed pot. A heavy-bottomed pot insures an even distribution of heat. A medium-sized saucepan is usually perfect to use for melting sugar. An aluminum or steel pot will work best.
    • Use half as much cold water by weight as the amount of sugar you are using.
    • Make sure the pot is completely clean. If sediment is left in the pot, sugar crystals could form around it.
  3. Place the pot on the stove over medium low heat. Using low heat means the sugar will take awhile to melt, but don't be tempted to turn it up; sugar will quickly burn when cooked over higher heat. Using low heat gives you better control.
  4. Stir continuously until the sugar is dissolved. Stirring at the beginning of the process helps break up lumps and make sure that the sugar is heated evenly. It's best to use a wooden spoon. Keep stirring until the sugar mixture turns clear and begins to simmer.
    • Use a pastry brush to wash any sugar off the edge of the pan back down in with the rest of the sugar.
    • If crystals form on the edge of the pan, they can seed crystal formation in the entire mixture and the sugar will seize. Brushing the sides of the pot very carefully with warm water can prevent this.
  5. Cook for 8 to 10 more minutes without stirring. Once the sugar has melted and starts to simmer, let it cook until it caramelizes. Stirring at this point could cause crystal formation, so don't stir any more from this point on.
  6. Check the temperature of the sugar with a kitchen thermometer. If you want the sugar to stay in its liquid form, it is ready when it reaches {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. At this point the color will be a rich golden brown.
    • Different temperatures are desirable for different applications. When your sugar reaches the desired temperature for your particular recipe, it is done.

Part Two: Using Melted Sugar

  1. Make flan. This classic Mexican dessert is made by pouring the melted, caramelized sugar into a pan, then topping it with a creamy egg mixture and baking until set. The pan is turned over onto a plate so that the warm brown caramel tops the dessert.
  2. Make caramel. To make a creamy caramel sauce, cream and butter are added to the sugar after it has melted. This mixture is then used as a delicious topping for ice cream, chocolate cake and other decadent treats.
  3. Make spun sugar. Spun sugar is made by cooking melted sugar until it reaches the hard ball stage, meaning it will harden once it cools to room temperature. It can be used to make amazing designs to decorate all types of desserts.
  4. Make Caramel Cream Candies. This buttery, flavorful candy is made by adding cream and butter to the melted sugar, then cooking the mixture until it reaches the hard ball stage. At this point, the caramel is poured into molds and left to harden at room temperature.


  • If you do not have a pastry brush, you can put the lid on the pot. The steam created will help wash down any sugar that may have gotten up on the edge of the pot. Make sure you leave the lid tilted to the side to let out some of the steam and be careful to monitor the sugar carefully. This method is not as certain to work as using a brush, so it is still possible that your sugar will seize.
  • Make sure all of your equipment is completely clean. Impurities on the pot can cause your sugar to seize because they can seed the growth of sugar crystals. Sugar seizing is when sugar crystals form and the sugar takes on a grainy texture. If your sugar seizes, the only thing to do is throw it out and start all over.
  • While high humidity can soften sugar sculptures and spun sugars, which are made with melted sugar, the melting process itself is not affected by humidity levels.


  • Melted sugar is very hot and very sticky. It is very easy to give yourself a bad burn.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy-bottomed pot
  • Sugar
  • Cold water
  • Small brush
  • Small cup of warm water
  • Kitchen thermometer

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