Move (Not Ride) a Motorcycle Upstairs

Pulling any large object up a set of stairs isn't easy. Thinking smart and planning ahead can make this task A LOT easier.


  1. If you can't find a good come along, get yourself some decent ratchet ties and at least one good friend.
  2. Find yourself one of those removable chin-up bars and a pulley with rope.
  3. Install the chin-up bar and run the come along cable or rope to it and run it under the door (using whatever you can find) to protect the door. If there is not a door present,a large screw in hook works. You must keep the front end down as much as you can.
  4. Now take the come along or ratchet tie and hook it to the bike. If you have someone at the top, hook your end to the frame. This way it's easier to steer and easier to get help if you get caught up in the cable.
  5. Have the guy on the top of the stairs start to ratchet, and pull you on up. Go slow and steady, and before no time you will be up the stairs..


  1. Let your neighbors know your plan. Have them help you.


  • Make sure all your gear is in good shape.
  • Do not try this alone.
  • If You live in a rental, make sure you have permission. Also, you may want to tape some cardboard on the walls to keep it free of scuff marks.
  • Drain the gas before this event. If it's an oil leaker plan for that.

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