Store a Motorcycle for Extended Time Period

How to put a motorcycle into storage


  1. In regards to storing a bike that might be sitting idle for a long period of time . You should remove the spark plugs and put a small amount of engine oil in each cylinder about a tea spoon of oil in each would do the trick as this will prevent the piston rings binding to the cylinder walls due to any rust build up and then replace the spark plugs.
    • Storage of motor cycles
  2. Removal of  Battery. Battery should be removed so that it can be put on charge once a month  to keep it in tip top condition
  3. Flushing out any extra fuel in the carbs and fuel line should also be done and perhaps some DW40 sprayed into the line and carbs as a protector for rubber parts etc , the fuel from your tank should be removed and some sort of rust protection sprayed into it (WD40 )
    • Flush out fuel
  4. Outside storage .If the bike is stored outside condensation can build up under plastic covers so spraying exposed parts like the front forks around the rear suspension and many nuts and bolts with WD40 will help , also a good waxing over the whole bike is helpful , remove the battery and try to keep the tiers off the ground or at least slip something under them so water will not perish the rubber , block the exhaust pipe so water can not enter but condensation can escape ( a tin can that fits over the muffler opening ) and i suggest that you move the bike by pushing it a few feet back and forth every 2 months to prevent any parts from locking up .
  5. One more final thought lock the bike up very secure making it difficult to be stolen as a parked bike sitting for a long time can attract criminals !