Negotiate for More Vacation Time

Many company workers must work more than 2-3 people jobs these days to increase productivity and to save cost. Therefore, job burnt out is prevalent. As a productive worker, we need to refresh our mind so that we can be even more productive and has more creative ideas to do better by taking day off.


  1. Make sure you complete your current project and know well you upcoming project. Better yet, plan ahead to finish your part of the bigger project.
  2. Schedule well on finishing your routine tasks
  3. Communicate with your intermediate supervisor about your proposed vacation timing. Clearly explain that you are managing your time well and plan ahead your other tasks completion.
  4. Make yourself available by blackberry messenger or email if truly you cannot take lengthened vacation time yet you still cannot come to work
  5. Manage your time well and organize your work progress according to what your supervisor expect you to perform
  6. Prepare to get rejected if your proposed time is deemed not appropriate with the company's deadline. You might propose for deferral on next longer such when company has slow season.

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