Request Time Off

Sometimes you need to take time off to tend to personal matters or just to recharge your batteries. Whatever the reason, asking for time off in an honest, professional manner will make it more likely that you’ll get it. It’s important to adhere to your boss’s preferred method of communication, submit your request as early as possible, and know what all you need to say when you ask for time off.


Preparing to Make Your Request

  1. Read your company’s policy before you ask your boss. Look to your company’s website or hiring contract to see the guidelines for asking for time off. Often times, the policy will state a particular date and acceptable reasons for asking or time off. The policy may also outline how you should ask (i.e., via email, in person, or both).[1]
    • Some companies prefer to give chunks of time off while others might give you a pool of time off to allocate however you like. Know the policy so you can plan accordingly.
    • If your company has time off days split between personal, sick, and vacation days, you may ask if you can transfer time off “credits” from one category to the other (e.g., if you have sick days stocked up, you could request to apply those hours toward vacation days).
    • If your company doesn’t have a policy about requesting time off, ask your colleagues what they think you should do or how they’ve asked in the past.
  2. Ask at least at least 2 months in advance. Be sure to ask for time off months in advance, especially if you’re seeking to take time off during a popular time like the holiday season or summer months. Asking far in advance will make your boss more likely to grant you time off.[2]
    • If you’ve had a family or personal emergency, you can still ask for time off if it’s a pressing matter.
    • The longer the vacation, the sooner you should send your request. For instance, if you want to take 2 or more weeks off, ask at least 2 to 3 months in advance. But if you only plan to take 2 or 3 days off, it may be more appropriate to ask 2 or 4 weeks in advance. When in doubt, ask early!
    • Try not to plan the dates right before any major deadlines that you or your company may have because that can put stress on your boss and colleagues.
  3. Ask via your company or boss’ preferred method. If your boss prefers you to ask for time off via email, stick to that and don’t try to bug them about it in person. They have a reason for stating their preferences, so respect their boundaries.[3]
    • If your boss hasn’t mentioned a preferred method, feel free to send an email and follow up with them in person or via phone later on. Just be friendly and respectful of their time.
  4. Choose an unstressful time to ask so you don’t get a rushed answer. Avoid approaching your boss about taking time off after a stressful meeting or in the midst of a major project or deadline. Instead, ask when the environment is relatively calm and quiet.[4]
    • Right after lunch or right before leaving for the day are typically calm windows of time.
  5. Avoid asking for time off if you’ve recently been hired. If you’re brand new or have only been working for a few months, avoid asking for time off. Your boss doesn’t know what kind of work ethic you have just yet, so asking so soon might be a sign that you’re trying to get out of work or that you don’t really care about the job.[5]
    • If you’ve had a trip planned for months and you just got a job offer, let your boss know the exact dates you’ve planned to take off when they make you the offer. Don’t wait until your first day to spring it on them!
    • If you’ve had a family or personal emergency, go ahead and ask for the time you need off—most bosses will be understanding.
  6. Don’t book any tickets or hotel rooms until after you’ve asked. Avoid making plans before you are 100% positive that you can take time off. Remember, you’re asking your boss, not telling them![6]
    • Waiting to book your tickets and room until after you’ve asked will save you the hassle of cancelling them if your boss says no.
    • If someone has already planned a surprise trip for you, talk to your boss as soon as you find out and be flexible. For instance, you might say, “I know the timing isn’t ideal, but my sister planned a surprise getaway for me that requires taking 2 days off the week after next. I’d like to go but I’m fully prepared to forego the trip if it’s going to cause you or my colleagues unnecessary stress.”
  7. Remind everyone at work a week before you leave, if your boss says yes. Let everyone you work with know the dates that you’ll be away so they can plan to take over your duties as necessary. Remind them in person but also put it in writing so they’ll remember it.[7]
    • You might post a reminder on your office bulletin board, send a group email, or put it on your company’s shared online calendar.
    • As an example, you could write: “Reminder: Janet will be out of the office from 10/6 to 10/18!”

Asking Your Boss in Person

  1. Be friendly, upbeat, and fully present when you ask. Look at your boss and be fully engaged when you ask them for time off. Put away any distractions and face your body towards them so they know you’re giving them your full attention.[8]
    • Try using positive affirmations to pep you up if you’re feeling grouchy. For instance, you might think to yourself: “I am spunky and energized!” or “I am my own superhero!”
    • If your boss looks distracted while you’re trying to be fully present with them, don’t put pressure on them by waiting and staring. Instead, say something like, “Sorry, I see you’re busy, I’ll pop in another time!”
  2. Use open body language to come off as friendly and confident. Maintain good posture, relax your face into a slight smile, plant your feet (if you’re standing), and keep your arms and torso open. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, slumping your shoulders, fidgeting, or nervously shifting your weight when you ask because that will come off as anxious or inflexible.[9]
    • To boost your confidence before seeing your boss, go to a private place and strike a “power pose” by planting your feet flat on the ground and putting your hands on your hips with your shoulders down and back. Hold this pose for 1 minute while taking some deep breaths.
  3. State the reason you’re asking for time off when you make your request. Whether it’s vacation, sick time, or personal time, provide your boss with a good reason you’d like to take time off. You don’t have to go into too much detail, just give them a general idea.[10]
    • For instance, you might mention, “My cousins have invited me to stay at their beach house to recharge my batteries for a week and I’d really like to go.”
  4. Be open to changing your vacation dates, if necessary. State which days you’d prefer to have off, but be flexible if your absence may cause unnecessary stress on your boss or coworkers. For example, if you have an important deadline coming up at work that coincides with or is around the days you’ve planned to take off, be willing to shift your dates if your boss requests you to. Being flexible will make it more likely that they’ll say yes![11]
    • You might say, “I’d like to take October 6th to October 13th off, but I can shift the days around if that works better for you and the team?”
    • For instance, you could say, “Since we have that tentative deadline on the same week I’d planned my vacation, I’m willing to push my camping trip back to the following weekend so I can finish up that project on Friday. How does that sound?”
  5. Ask if there are any small tasks you need to do while you’re away. Talk to your boss about any responsibilities you need to honor while you’re outside of the office. For instance, discuss whether or not you need to answer emails or submit small tasks remotely. This will show them that you care about your work and supporting the team.[12]
    • For example, you might say, “I’ll have internet access while I’m away so if I need to address any projects, let me know” or, “I won’t have internet access but I can respond to voicemails and texts if you or anyone else has questions about the outline.”
  6. Be honest about your boundaries while you’re away from work. If you’re a veteran at your job or in a relatively high position, be clear about what you are and aren’t willing to do during your time off. Use a kind, calm tone of voice so you don’t come off as overly demanding.[13]
    • For instance, “I won’t be able to answer emails or calls, but if there’s an emergency, text me right away and I’ll call you,” or, “I’m taking this time to recharge so I won’t have my phone or laptop with me.”

Requesting Time off via Email

  1. Write a relevant, detailed subject line. Let your boss know exactly what the email is about in the subject line. This will help them organize their inbox and know what to expect before they even open the email. For example, you might write, “Requesting time off 10/6 to 10/17.”[14]
    • Avoid an overly broad subject lines like, “Future planning” or “December.”
  2. Use a formal or casual greeting depending on your relationship. Use a formal greeting if you’re not close to your boss or if you work remote. A more casual greeting will work if you’re close with your boss or if your workplace is small and fairly close-knit.[15]
    • A formal greeting might start with something like “Dear Mrs. Johnson,” as a heading before the body of your email.
    • For a more casual greeting, just state their name after a common greeting. For example, “Good afternoon, Janie,” is an appropriate address.
  3. Jump right into the purpose of your email. Be clear right from the beginning what you’re asking for so they don’t have to read through an explanatory paragraph without any context. You might start with “I’m writing to request the first two weeks off in December.” Getting straight to the point will show that you respect their time.[16]
    • If you have other business matters to attend to, avoid sending them in the same email. Send a new one with a different subject line so they can categorize each email accordingly.
  4. Be specific about the amount of time you’d like to take off. Give them the exact dates that you’d like to take off so they know what to expect. For example, “If possible, I’d like to take off the second week of April, starting 4/8 and ending 4/12.”[17]
    • Avoid being wishy-washy or unclear like saying, “I’d like a couple weeks off in January.”
  5. Provide the reason you’d like to take time off. Let them know why you’re asking for time off and, if applicable, how it’s beneficial to not just you but the entire team. You don’t have to go into too much detail, just provide an overall idea of why you’re asking for time off.[18]
    • For instance, “I’m asking for this time off to attend a coding conference in Milwaukee. I’m hoping to learn more skills to put towards our upcoming project. I also aim to make connections with potential clients while I’m there.”
    • As another example, “I’m asking for that week off so I can attend a family reunion in Montreal.”
  6. Mention any arrangements you’ve made with your colleagues. If you’ve already spoken to your coworkers about covering your responsibilities for the time you’ll potentially be away, let them know that you’ve planned ahead. This will show them that you care about your work and will save them the hassle of thinking about who will cover for you.[19]
    • For instance, “I’ve already spoken to Charlie and Lisa about possibly taking over my reports for that week and they both kindly agreed.”
  7. Tell them how they can reach you during your potential absence. Tell your boss whether they can reach you via phone, email, or text while you’re away. This shows them that you care about your work and are willing to help out if there’s something only you can address.[20]
    • For example, “I’ll have internet access the whole week, so feel free to email me if you or the team has any questions about my notes for the pitch.”
  8. Thank them for considering your request and write a formal sign-off. End your email by thanking them to show that you respect them and their time and offering a friendly salutation. Something simple like, “Thank you for considering my request. Have a great day, Joanna” is a perfect way to close the body of your email.[21]
    • Keep it professional (that is, don’t go overboard with exclamation points and avoid emojis altogether).


  • Look presentable if you’re approaching your boss in person.
  • Use a kind, gentle, and confident tone of voice when asking for time off in person.
  • Don’t assume that the answer will be yes.


  • Don’t raise your voice or use an aggressive tone when talking to your boss.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for time off!
  • Don’t lie about why you need time off. You might start a negative precedent for yourself and, odds are, your boss will find out about it.

