Numb Your Body

Needing to numb your body can be for many reasons. Wanting to relax, want to go to sleep etc... But with this article we'll show you how.


  1. First determine the purpose of why you are wanting to "numb your body". Are you having troubles relaxing? Are you having troubles sleeping? Are you wanting to gain willpower? Are you just curious about this idea?
  2. Find a nice comfortable place to lie down where you won't be disrupted for at least an hour.
  3. Lie down on your back completely straight from head to toe and begin to let your body relax. (See tips to help with comfort) You might move a bit during relaxing as your legs and arms release tension.
  4. Once your body is in a natural straight position of relaxation you must not move one bit of your body other than to breathe.
  5. Concentrate on your breathing. In and out....slowly.....a breath in...... let it out. Try to breathe in for a count of nine and breathe out for a count of nine. (This takes practice see tips)
  6. Remain completely still. You will have an itch, or tickle. Your natural response is to move and touch them, and scratch them. Don't. Just think about that spot, that feeling, let it get intense and know that it is okay for it to happen. Keep thinking about it until your mind forgets to think about it. Do this each time the feelings occur.
  7. Once you make it to this point this is where you will begin to notice that you can no longer feel your arms, and legs. Again your natural response is to move to make sure that they are still there. Don't move enjoy it and understand that this is the desired result
  8. If you can make it to this point, you will begin to notice that your core parts of your body feel as if they disappeared. Your face will feel numb. The only thing you will still feel is your chest rising and falling. You are still breathing and you don't want that to go numb and quit working.
  9. Congratulations!! You have achieved making your body numb. If you fell asleep you will wake up in this very same position in most cases (sometimes just long enough to change position and go back to sleep). If you are not asleep you can return back to the feeling just by thinking about it and slowly moving your body parts.


  • To reduce the possibility of pain from an unnatural spinal curve and knee bend place a pillow under the small of your back (one just big enough to create the natural curve without effort) and one under the back of your knees to create a slight bend in them. A small pillow under your neck will round out the natural curve dilemma.


  • Doing this on a hard surface for long periods of time may cause pain in the joints due to an unnatural curve to the spine and bend in the legs. See tips on how to reduce this issue
  • For breathing to a count of nine practice and work up to it. Start with a three count. If that is easy then go to five, then seven and eventually nine. The key is to learn to breathe with the diaphragm and to practice until you can do it. You can go as high as 13 or 17 if you like, but don't force it too much as that will cause issues during the process.

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