Blow a Bubble With Your Nose

Sound funny? This trick could get you an award! But just don't do it in the middle of class.


  1. Get a lot of good bubblegum.
  2. Chew, chew, chew! Chew the gum until you get it nice and firm and no longer that sticky.
  3. Take the wad of gum between your index finger and thumb and flatten it into a disc.
  4. Stick the flat gum on your nose so it is covering both nostrils (see "Warnings"). Cup your fingers around the outside of the gum in an "okay" sign to pin it down.
  5. Take a deep breath and exhale through your nose (with power!). The bubble should pop loudly.


  • If air escapes before the bubble pops, press your fingers around your nose harder.


  • Do not inhale with your nose.

Things You'll Need

  • Good chewing gum

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