Open a Beer With a Napkin

A fun party trick in which you can bet your friends that you can open a beer with just a napkin! Challenge level: easy to learn. Wow factor: large. Materials: found at any bar. Here is how to give it try.


  1. Assemble the unopened beer bottle and the paper napkin.
  2. Fold a Cloth Napkin in half diagonally.
  3. Roll it up very tight. Start at the wide end and roll into the triangle's point Be sure to make the middle very tight; it is the part that you will use to open the bottle with.
  4. Once rolled, fold the napkin in half again.
    • This will make it very hard at the end (which is the former middle of the napkin).
  5. Hold the top of the beer bottle in one hand.
  6. Take the napkin and press it hard against the bottle cap. Try to catch one or two of the "teeth" under the bottle cap.
  7. Pull upwards.
  8. Keep pulling until the cap pops off.
  9. Enjoy the applause and the beer!

Things You'll Need

  • Paper napkin
  • Beer bottle

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