Open a Beer With a Napkin
A fun party trick in which you can bet your friends that you can open a beer with just a napkin! Challenge level: easy to learn. Wow factor: large. Materials: found at any bar. Here is how to give it try.
- Assemble the unopened beer bottle and the paper napkin.
- Fold a Cloth Napkin in half diagonally.
- Roll it up very tight. Start at the wide end and roll into the triangle's point Be sure to make the middle very tight; it is the part that you will use to open the bottle with.
- Once rolled, fold the napkin in half again.
- This will make it very hard at the end (which is the former middle of the napkin).
- Hold the top of the beer bottle in one hand.
- Take the napkin and press it hard against the bottle cap. Try to catch one or two of the "teeth" under the bottle cap.
- Pull upwards.
- Keep pulling until the cap pops off.
- Enjoy the applause and the beer!
Things You'll Need
- Paper napkin
- Beer bottle
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Sources and Citations
- Original source of article, Fun Party via Videojug, Shared with permission.