Open a Xbox 360 Wireless Controller

This article will teach you how to open a xbox 360 controller. It is easy with just some basic tools.


  1. Put your controller down on a flat surface.
  2. Tape the A,X,Y,B buttons and the D-Pad so that they cannot fall out.
  3. Unscrew all of the screws using a Torx T8 screwdriver. There are 7 in all. One is hidden where the battery pack would be under a sticker.
  4. Remove the sticker and unscrew that screw.
  5. Now put all the screws somewhere safe so that they don't get lost.
  6. Put the AXYB buttons facing you and hold the joysticks and push them out.
  7. Now your controller is apart. You can paint or LED or mod from here.


  • A good precaution is to do this on a white towel so nothing bounces off and you will see if a screw falls on the towel
  • Put the screws in a bowl or somewhere safe


  • Open at your own risk; doing this is likely to invalidate your warranty.

Things You'll Need

  • Xbox 360 controller
  • TORX T8 security screwdriver

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