Organize a 3 Ring Binder

Are you a messy or unorganized person? Is your binder getting out of control? Did you just find the homework you were looking for a month ago? Here are some tips to get organized.


  1. Take everything out!
  2. Throw away' or Recycle all your "junk". For example, passed notes, old homework assignments, and doodles. When you are not sure whether to keep something or not, ask the corresponding teacher whether you should keep it or throw it away.
  3. Label a divider with the required categories and place your homework where it belongs. This helps you find your papers in the right divider and try to have one divider for each class(science, math,etc.)
  4. Buy a pencil sack when you have a lot of supplies to carry around. Your pencil case should be big enough for your supplies!
  5. Keep a notebook for notes in class because if you didn't listen to anything your teacher said, how will you study without notes? A spiral notebook is good, so you can tear out pages when needed.

Binder divider pockets

  1. Buy binder dividers with pockets!
  2. Put the completed work you've done that day into the right divider before each subject (period) is over.
  3. Complete for all subjects you have.


  • Buy plastic dividers not paper as they will break. even though they cost more, in the long run they will turn out better price wise.
  • Clear protective sheets are very helpful for viewing notes etc.
  • Use reinforcement rings on your pages as added protection.
  • Label things, so you know what is what.
  • Dividers sometimes have pockets, which are very helpful instead of carrying folders.
  • Use plastic sleeves for papers in frequent use, such as class schedule.
  • Make sure you clearly distinguish each section of you binder(ex: make a list on each divider). Don't forget to update your list as you add or remove items from your folder.
  • Some teachers/schools want you to use notebooks with plastic covers, so it's a good idea for you to buy those notebooks. Some popular brands are "EXCEED" and "Five Star".
  • For additional storage; fix a strong envelope to the inside of the front and back cover of your folder.
  • All supplies are available at school supply, office supply, or department stores.
  • A hole punch is a good investment as some handouts are not pre-punched, so you can hole punch them and keep them in your binder.
  • Consider the use of a portfolio for storing and organizing important papers.
  • "Trapper Keepers" are similar to binders only they have pockets and are covered with fabric.
  • If you're using more than 1 binder, have a specific colour for each class to keep things more organized.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 or 3 ring binder
  • Dividers
  • Notebook
  • 2 or 3 hole punch (depending on the type of folder you are using).
  • All your assignments and papers that need to be organized
  • Pencil pouch(or case)
  • Some people may need a small agenda to write homework in, like a mini planner.
  • Dividers

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