Paint Animal Print Nails

A unique nail pattern can give an unexpected "pop" to your look. Using an animal print pattern (in this case leopard) lets you show off your jungle spirit if you don't quite want to wear a full leopard print.


  1. Clean your nails thoroughly. Clip if needed (this look is best on nails that extend about 1/8 inch beyond the end of your finger-- shorter nails don't show off the pattern, and too much longer looks overdone) and file.
  2. Coat your nails with a primer. This is usually white or clear, and helps the colored polish stick.
  3. Paint your nails with a medium to pale shade in your desired color scheme. For example, if you want traditional leopard print, choose a neutral cream. Make sure it is applied.
  4. Add spots once this coat is dry. You will need two colors to do this: one three shades darker than the top bottom coat, and one shade darker; in this example, chocolate brown and tan.
    • Using the dark color, make a small circle of five dots close together. The dots should almost touch each other.
    • Add a dot of the light color in the middle of the circle.
  5. Top with a clear coat once the "spots" are dry.


  • This pattern can be done in any color scheme, get creative!
  • If you don't have any dotting tools/nail brushes then you could use a tooth pick or the circle part of a bobby pin.
  • Be creative; don't be afraid to mix colors.
  • To make the spots, you can use the end of a toothpick or cotton swab.

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