Pass a Class Without Really Studying

We would all love to be the perfect student diligently studying for every quiz and exam, but everyone falls behind at some point in their academic career. Slackers need not fret as some classes can still be passed with minimal effort. With some clever techniques and a few strategies, even the laziest among us can become star students.


Taking Quality Notes

  1. Make your notes brief. In order to review your notes with minimum effort, make sure they are as short and sweet as possible - synthesizing the most pertinent information in the least amount of words. Notes should use short sentences/phrases and key definitions/terms in order to filter out the unnecessary information given during lectures, highlighting the "meat" of the topic.
    • For example, if you had to define the Marshall Plan, don't write out: "The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion (approximately $130 billion in current dollar value as of March 2016) in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II. The plan was in operation for four years beginning in April 1948. The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-devastated regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, make Europe prosperous again, and prevent the spread of communism. The Marshall Plan required a lessening of interstate barriers, a dropping of many regulations, and encouraged an increase in productivity, labour union membership, as well as the adoption of modern business procedures." [1]
    • Instead, try a more succinct definition, such as: "A program by which the United States gave large amounts of economic aid to European countries to help them rebuild after the devastation of World War II. It was proposed by the United States secretary of state, General George C. Marshall." [2]
  2. Organize your notes. Make sure to use a readable outline or a numbering system to make your notes as clear as possible. Indent different sections to distinguish certain topics and try to order your points in order of importance and relevance. Try organizing the information using headings and sub-headings that include roman numerals, numbers, and letters. [3]
  3. Do it right the first time. Note taking can be a waste of mental energy if you're not taking notes in a way that's effective. Passing class with little effort means making the most out of the effort you do put in. There are a few pitfalls to avoid when trying to take quality notes.
    • Avoid writing in shorthand as such a writing style often only has meaning while taking notes and requires a lengthy transcription later.
    • Don't jot down every word from the teacher's mouth. Recognize the main points of the lecture and leave out any excess information.
    • Leave space on the page instead of turning your paper into a dense labyrinth of notes. Allowing space between topics makes your notes easier to read and you may want to add in extra details later.
  4. Review, review, review. Take a few minutes at the beginning of class to review your notes from the previous lecture. Keeping your notes fresh in your mind will prevent any need for cramming when the exam takes place. [4]

Hacking Studying

  1. Learn how to read a multiple choice test. Often in a multiple-choice question, you can eliminate two or three answers by paying attention to the wording of the question and answers. Using a few logical distinctions can help you draw out the correct answer even if you don't understand the material.
    • Ask questions such as, "Does the answer seem slightly ridiculous?" and "Does one answer contradict another?"
    • The longest answer is often the correct one as test makers have to use extra language to fully qualify the right answer.
    • Don't be afraid of 'none of the above' or 'all of the above' in tests. Studies have found those two answers were correct 52% of the time, which give you better odds than random guesses. [5]
  2. Eat a good meal before going to class and taking your exams. Drinking plenty of water and eating fruits like raspberries, apples, and blueberries help to give you natural energy from sugar in addition to better memory functioning. [6]
  3. Use memorization as a last ditch effort. While memorizing material doesn't actually teach you much of anything, it can be useful for acing an exam with little effort. Use analogies, metaphors, mnemonics, and imagery to give the material a vivid sensory meaning that can allow you to recall it during an exam without understanding the substance of the information. [7]
    • Here's a mnemonic example: Charles' Law: For a constant volume, pressure is directly proportional to temperature. The simple way to remember Chuck is if the tank's too hot, you're blown into muck.
    • Here's an easy way to remember the eight small wrist bones for Anatomy class. Navicular, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Multongular (Greater), Multongular (Lesser), Capitate, Hamate. Never Lick Tilly's Popsicle, Mother Might Come Home.
    • If you're visually inclined, an image-based mnemonic can be useful. For instance, if you need to remember the depressant class of drugs for health class, i.e. Barbiturates, Alcohol, and Tranquilizers. Sketch or visualize the image of a bat (Barbiturates, Alcohol, and Tranquilizers) to help with recall. [8]

Paying Attention to the Assignments That Matter Most

  1. Learn the grade distribution for your class. Figure out which assignments can be avoided or flubbed without severely damaging your grade. For example, many college classes only count homework or quizzes as 10% or less of the final grade, while major exams or essays often make up 65% or more. Focus your time and attention on the primary assignments so you aren't wasting energy on less significant work.
  2. Know how to write excellent essays. Essays are fantastic opportunities to showcase your innate intelligence, nuanced vocabulary, and critical thinking skills without needing an encyclopedic knowledge of the topic at hand. Typically essays also make up a significant portion of your grade so they provide the perfect chance to shine in class without having to study, and there a few quick tips to remember when constructing an excellent essay.
    • Use original thinking especially on topics that have been written about countless times. When a teacher has to grade a multitude of essays, a unique argument, perspective, or angle can make your writing stand out from the masses. Incorporate a different hypothesis than those commonly discussed in class, present evidence you know that hasn't been included in the required readings, and if possible bring in your own personal experiences so your essay is original instead of derivative.
    • Know how to develop a thorough, balanced argument by considering both sides of the topic and discussing both in detail. Even if you're not that knowledgeable about the topic, showing the fact that you're thinking critically about it will make your paper more intelligent and professional.
    • Do your best not to include superfluous information just to beef up the length of your paper. Try to strike a balance between information you already know and knowledge you're trying to grasp at by using sentences that stick to the point instead of going off into wordy tangents. [3]
  3. Look out for extra credit opportunities. Nearly every teacher will pepper in a variety of extra credit assignments throughout the semester, whether it's additional research, a visit to a museum, or an essay. If you find your grade is struggling and needs a quick boost, take advantage of the opportunities especially if they're easy to complete such as visiting a particular place.

Participating in Class

  1. Ask good questions during class. Understanding the material will inevitably require you to have some additional explanation outside of the lecture. If you have any questions about the topic at hand, ask your teacher so they can thoroughly explain the depth of the subject.
  2. Be active in class discussions. Piping up during debates and conversations in class will make you seem authoritative and active, both qualities that don't require studying and are necessary for star students. There's a few techniques you can use to make sure your voice is present during important discussions.
    • Know what times are ideal to comment in class, such as when the teacher proposes a question you can answer, when you can provide a provocative question, and when you have in insight that adds to the depth of the conversation.
    • Write down your thoughts during class when you don't have a chance to speak you'll remember them later in the discussion when you have a moment to chime in.
    • If speaking gives you anxiety, try to talk early in the discussion so you can get a word in quickly rather than waiting until its too late to offer your point of view.
  3. Keep up a good rapport with your teacher. When your grade is riding the line between a B or a C, or even a D and an F, a good relationship with your teacher can be the saving grace you need to keep your grade afloat. Know what techniques you can use to become the teacher's pet.
    • Show up to class on time. Take out your phone, and put in alarms that give you an adequate amount of time to get dressed, eat food, and travel to class. A myriad of events such as traffic or bad weather can extend the amount of time it takes to get to class, so giving yourself some extra time will ensure your punctuality.
    • Be polite. Don't overdo it or you risk becoming a yes-man, but simple pleasantries such as compliments, not talking out of turn, thanking your teacher for the lesson, or giving little gifts can go along way towards earning the respect of your teacher.
    • Don't gossip to your friends about your teacher. If you spread personal insults against your teacher, they will often reach their ears, which can be an easy way to permanently stay on your teacher's bad side.
  4. Learn how to skim the reading over in a few minutes before class. In order to skim effectively, pay attention to context clues such as when an author starts a sentence with "I will argue," when definitions are given, and try to read the first and last sentences in a paragraph. Also pay more attention when the reading directly relates to the topic of your class (i.e. if you're reading The Scarlet Letter in a Women's Studies course, you would pay more attention to the sexism faced by Hester Prynne rather than the colonization of America in the 17th century). [9]


  • Check textbook summaries when doing assignments for easy, quick information. Look for bold print, highlighted boxes, etc., throughout the chapter.
  • Ask classmates for notes. Compare your notes with fellow students to get a broader understanding of the material.
  • See if you can incorporate the information into a hobby or leisure activity. This way you're studying in a way that's fun and less mentally taxing. For example, if you're a movie buff and you have to read a Shakespeare play that's incomprehensible in class, try renting the movie version so you can appreciate it on your terms.


  • Try and study once in awhile if you can. Spending five to ten minutes every few nights reviewing your notes can go a long way towards acing an exam.

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