Perform the Dhikr Prayer

It is always encouraged to remember Allah in your daily life. If you took the initiative to remind yourself about Allah, the God who created you, Allah will not ignore you. Your prayers will all be accepted by Him, God willing.


  1. Perform Wudu It is a ritual ablution before you pray or handle the Holy Quran.
  2. Walk into a perfectly clean place. This step should be done because the names of God is pure. Thus we have to speak of His name in a clean place. Sit down on a prayer mat facing the Qiblah. It is the direction of the Holy Kabah.
  3. Erase all worldly worries from your heart. Make yourself calm. If you are having trouble over someone else, ignore it. Just think that nothing ever happened. Try to be in the state of awareness. Try to expel negative feeling or thought. Lightly close your eyes and bring your attention to the region of your heart.
  4. Perform the voluntary prayer. This is encouraged but not obligatory. It contains 4 cycles of prayer. This prayer will have you to extol Him 300 times in total. Make sure you have read the article on how to Perform Salah first before you try to understand the procedures given below. There is a slight difference in performing it in the day and in the night. This will be noted below.
    • Make niyyah or the intention to perform this Zikr prayer.
    • After reciting the Al-Fatihah and before the ruku', recite the phrase given below 15 times.
    • After ruku', recite it for another 10 times.
    • After qauma, recite it for another 10 times.
    • After the first sujood, recite it for another 10 times.
    • After qu'ud, recite it for another 10 times.
    • After the second sudjood, recite it for another 10 times. After that perform qu'ud again and recite it for another 10 times.
    • If you have counted, in total for one cycle of prayer, you would have recited it for 75 times. Thus for four cycles, it would be 300.
    • Note that for the second and forth cycle, there is a need to recite the tashahhud. So you will have to recite the phrase first before the tashahhud.
    • Also note that during the night, you will have to complete the prayer after two cycles. And then continue with another two cycles of prayer.

The Phrase

Subhanallah walhamdulillah walaa ilaa ha il-lallah wallahu akbar wa laa haula walaa kuwwata illaa billaa hil 'aliyyil 'azim.
"Exalted is Allah, and All praise is to Allah, and there is no God worthy of worship except Allah, God is the Greatest, there is no power and no strength except with Allah."


  • You need to learn the correct way to pronounce the phrases from other Muslims you know. A slight deviation in pronunciation will make a big difference.
  • Do not hurry the recitation of the phrase. Each time you say it, try to think of the meaning of the words and say it as if they are the very last words you will ever speak. Allow an hour or so to complete the four rakats and set aside some time to read the Quran afterwards.
  • The capability of pronouncing Arabic varies greatly from one language (mother tongue) to another. The "Intention" is the most important thing. We should not penalize non Arabic speaking muslims for some mispronunciation. Do your best and remember "Inama aldin yosr wa lays osr" After all Allah is the judge of all.

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Sources and Citations

  • Drs. Abd. Rahman Mat (2003). 75 Solat-Solat Sunat Serta Doa & Wirid (75 Optional [Muslim] Prayers) adopted from pages 33-35.

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