Persuade Your Parents to Let You Go to a Concert by Yourself

You want to go to a concert, but your parents might say no. There is no surefire way to get them to say yes, but here are some ways to improve your chances. The basic idea here is to convince your parents of two things: 1) You deserve to go, and 2) You will be safe and responsible while you're out.


  1. Plan in advance. For best results, it's ideal to start at least two weeks before the concert you want to attend is scheduled, and the longer in advance you prepare, the better.
  2. Identify the concert and get as much information about it as you can. Write down (or print out) where the concert is taking place, how much it costs to go, when it is happening, and who is performing.
  3. If your parents are unfamiliar with the venue, try to find some pictures of the place to show them. The more they know about it, the more comfortable they will feel about you being there.
  4. Your chances of getting to go to the concert may be better if you buy the ticket yourself, rather than asking your parents to spend the money. However, discuss the concert with your folks before you buy the ticket, because if they say no after you've bought one, then you might be stuck with an expensive ticket you can't even use!
  5. Know how you're getting to the concert. Get clear written directions if you have never been there before. The important thing is who will be driving you there and back. Your parents will feel better letting you go if the driver is a reliable, respectable person. As a rule of thumb, the older the driver is, the happier your parents will be.
  6. Make it very, very clear to your parents that the person doing the driving will not touch alcohol or drugs on the night of the concert. (Make sure the driver knows this too!) It may seem dorky, but consider asking your parents to drive you. Riding a bus or other public transportation would work well too.
  7. Introduce your parents to the friends you'll be going with. Try to make sure your friends don't look too scary when they first meet your parents, and get them to act polite.
  8. If you have a sibling that's older or close to your own age, offer to take them along if it wouldn't completely spoil your evening. You're safer together than you would be alone.
  9. Going to concerts is a privilege, not a right. Your parents may want you to "earn" the trip to the concert. So if you don't get along well with your parents, make sure your behavior is very good for at least a week before you mention the concert. Be considerate. Do chores without being asked more than once, say "please" and "thank you," smile, and tell them a little about how your day at school was.
  10. Your parents may be concerned about the way you're dressed, especially if you're a girl. The concert is your time to have fun, but consider choosing an outfit that is reasonably modest and low-key. Your parents don't want you to attract "the wrong kind of attention." Remember, the music will be just as good no matter what you're wearing.
  11. Consider avoiding the "mosh pit." Mosh pits are actually somewhat dangerous, and your parents may not want you near one. Tell your parents you won't go in the mosh pit, and they will be more likely to say yes to the concert. (But don't say it unless you mean it.)
  12. Pick out some things about the band or their music that your parents could appreciate. Play one or two of their more positive songs, tell your parents about the band's great charity work in Africa, and so on. Be truthful, but show the band in the best possible light. Explain why seeing them live is so important to you.
  13. Consider agreeing on a curfew. Again, your parents like to know where you are and what you're up to, and knowing you'll be home at a certain time gives them assurance.
  14. Tell your parents that at the concert, you will carry a cell phone, keep it with you all the time, and check it every hour or so. You won't be able to hear it ring during the show, but you will be able to keep in touch with your family if there is a problem. Call your parents after the concert, when you're leaving to come home.It would be better to text during the concert.


  • When you set out to convince your parents to let you go, do not argue that "everyone else is doing it." Whether it's true or not, it will not sway them in the least.
  • When you're at the concert, be safe and smart and keep your parents informed. This way you'll get to go to more concerts in the future.
  • There are two reasons why parents don't let kids do things. One is because they want to punish you, and the other is because they want to protect you. So the way to get what you want is to make your parents feel happy about your behavior and secure about your safety.
  • Offer to do jobs around the house before you ask them for anything, this way you'll seem mature and willing to do anything for the cause.
  • Your parents have secret nightmares of you getting in a car wreck because they let you go with a bad driver. Put their fear to rest by assuring them your ride is safe and reliable.
  • If all else fails and your parents refuse to let you go under any circumstances, bargain. Ask them if they might let you go to the next concert, a few months from now. Get them to promise you something, even if it's not much. You don't want to waste all the hard work you spent on this!
  • Emphasize your actions, not your feelings, as reasons why they should let you go. Don't overplay the "my life will be ruined if you say no" line, or the "my life will be complete if you say yes" line.
  • Wear something good , don't wear clothes you wouldn't wear around your parents. Yes it's a concert, but doesn't mean to dress inappropriate.


  • Never, ever let your parents see this page. Seriously.
  • Be careful around people who seem drunk or high. Watch out for situations that could lead to violence or unwanted sexual attention. Stay with people you trust at all times.
  • If, despite your expectations, it turns out that your driver drank or smoked marijuana or swallowed ANY drugs during the evening, do NOT let that person drive you anywhere! Even if it's a short distance to home and they've used drugs before and never gotten hurt, it only takes one mistake to ruin your life forever. Even if it's the middle of the night and you don't think there are any other options. Call a taxi, ride the bus, or even call your parents. They might be upset, but they'd be a lot more upset if you were hurt or killed. Don't take risks.
  • It should go without saying, but if you're still young enough to live with your parents, do not use drugs or alcohol. They can impair your judgment and lead you to do stupid things that will get you in a lot of trouble.
  • Never lie to your parents about what's going on with the concert, the driver or your plans. They are likely enough to catch you and get really upset, and even if they don't catch you, there might be a reason why they don't want you to do whatever forbidden thing you're thinking of. Furthermore, if things go wrong and there's an emergency, your parents will need to know what's going on. They can't help you if you don't tell them the truth.
  • Do not drive too fast on your way home, even if you're about to miss curfew. Call and tell your parents you're running late, and they will be less likely to get mad. They will think you are very responsible for letting them know you are alive. Your safety comes first.

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