Pick a Lock With Household Items

Whether your five-your-old has locked herself in the bathroom, or you walked out of the locked garage only to realize that your keys are still inside, chances are that you will find yourself on the wrong side of a locked door at some point. Before you call a locksmith for a potentially expensive home visit, know that most locks can easily be picked using readily available household items. This guide will teach you to pick both a privacy Doorknob, the kind usually used on bathroom and bedroom doors, and an entry Doorknob that requires a key, using basic household items.


Picking a Locked Privacy Doorknob

  1. Identify the type of lock you are dealing with. Most privacy door knobs, also known as "bed and bath" door knobs, either have a pushbutton or twisting lock mechanism on the inside Doorknob. The outside Doorknob will have a small round hole in the center that is intended to allow for emergency access. [1]
    • If possible, ascertain which kind of lock mechanism (push button or twisting) you are dealing with.
    • If the outside Doorknob has a keyhole instead of a hole, you will need to proceed to the method for picking a locked entry door.
  2. Find a suitable object for picking the lock. You need to find a long, thin object that is small enough to fit into the hole, but sturdy enough to put pressure on the locking mechanism. Ideal choices include a small screwdriver or hex wrench, a hair pin, or a heavy-duty paperclip. You can even use a bamboo skewer from the kitchen, or a cotton swab with the fluff removed from one end.
    • If using a hair pin or paper clip, first bend it open so you have a long, straight bit of metal.
    • If you are having trouble finding a suitable object, get creative. Open up a ball-point pen and use the ink cartridge, or check the bottom of your purse for a toothpick. You can almost always find something that will work!
  3. Use your item to pick the lock. If the lock has a push button mechanism, just insert the tool straight into the hole until you feel some resistance, and push. You should immediately hear a click indicating the lock has been released. If the lock has a twisting mechanism, you will need to insert the tool, and sweep it around in a twisting motion until it catches on something, and then apply a bit of pressure. You will then hear a click that means the door is unlocked.
    • When opening a twist-lock, you may need to try sweeping the tool both counter-clockwise and clockwise until the lock releases.
  4. Remove the doorknob. If you cannot get the knob to unlock using the above method, most privacy door knobs are held together with two, visible screws. Find a screwdriver that fits, and simply undo these screws. Within a few minutes, both doorknobs will come off. Simply pull any remaining locking mechanism out of the hole and open the door.[2]
    • It is best to alternate back and forth between the two screws as you go.
    • You may have to apply some tension to the Doorknob by pulling on it as the screws loosen.
    • In some cases, the screws will be hidden under a decorative collar. If so, this collar must first be removed by either inserting a paperclip into a small hole on the collar that releases it (if there is one) or gently prying up the collar with a flathead screwdriver.[3]

Picking a Locked Entry Doorknob With a Credit Card

  1. Make sure you have permission to pick the lock. If the lock in question is not attached to your own home, secure the property-owner's permission before proceeding. Breaking and entering is a serious crime in most places that can result in mandatory jail time.
  2. Find a suitable card. The ideal card will be a plastic card that is both stiff and somewhat flexible. Avoid using your actual credit or debit card, as it may get damaged in the process. A grocery store loyalty card makes an ideal choice, as does a laminated library card. Even a stiff business card will work on some locks. [4]
  3. Use the card to pick the lock. Take the card, and slide it into the gap between the door and the doorjamb. Begin just above the door handle, and slide the card downwards and in. You may have to wiggle it a bit, but if you are lucky, the card will press against the latch assembly and allow you to open the door.[5]
    • This technique only works on regular key-locks. It will not work to open a deadbolt.
    • Some doors open almost instantly using this technique, whereas others require more effort. Experiment with different cards, and different angles.
    • Remember that this technique only circumvents the lock, it doesn't actually unlock the door. If you let the door close, you could end up locked out all over again!

Picking a Locked Entry Door with Household Items

  1. Make sure you have permission to pick the lock. If the lock in question is not attached to your own home, secure permission from the property owner before proceeding. Breaking and entering is a crime!
  2. Fashion a lock-pick using household items. Bobby pins or hair pins work best, but you can also use heavy-duty paperclips, or other stiff bits of wire. First create your pick by opening out one of the bobby pins or paperclips until it is straight. Then bend the last 1/8" of the pick up at a 20 degree angle. [6]
    • If you are using a hair pin with plastic-dipped ends, you will need to scrape the plastic from the end of the pick first using a pair of pliers, the ground, or even your teeth, in a pinch.
  3. Make a tension wrench. Take another bobby pin, or open up a paper clip and then fold it in half, and bend this into an L-shape. The tension wrench needs to be fairly sturdy, so make sure and use a heavy-duty paper clip or hair pin. You can also use a small flat-head screwdriver, or similar item that fits into the bottom of the keyhole as a tension wrench. [7]
  4. Pick the lock using your tools. First insert the tension wrench into the bottom part of the lock, and rotate it in the direction you would turn the key to unlock it to place tension on the lock. Maintain this tension throughout the process. Then slowly wiggle the pick into the top part of the lock using a gentle up-and-down motion. You should hear a series of clicks as the various pins in the lock are raised. When you have successfully raised all of the pins, the tension wrench will suddenly rotate freely and unlock the door.
    • It is possible to pick most locks in a matter of seconds, but it takes a little practice. If you get frustrated, just take a deep breath and start again.
    • This technique also works on many deadbolts and padlocks, as well.
    • Picking a lock in this fashion looks extremely suspicious, and is likely to result in your neighbors calling the police. If you are a kid, call your parents and let them know what's going on before you start, and be prepared to show the police proof that you are breaking into your own home, garage, etc.


  • Avoid using toothpicks or other breakable materials. The wood may snap inside the lock and you may have to remove the door entirely.
  • If you have privacy door knobs in your home, it is a good idea to keep an item suitable for opening them on the doorjamb above the door, or in another readily accessible place so you aren't scrambling in an emergency


  • Bathrooms contain many drowning and other potentially lethal hazards. If a small child locks herself into a bathroom, treat this as an emergency. If you cannot get the door open immediately, Call the Emergency Services. The fire department handles this sort of thing all the time, and it's much better to be safe than sorry!

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