Plan a First Birthday Party for Your Child

A special “First” Birthday is a milestone in your child’s life and needs to be celebrated. Your baby is not going to remember his or her first birthday party, but they will come a point in their life when it becomes important for them to know. The celebration is equally as important for you as parents and for all of those friends and family members who will be present in your child’s life for many years to come.

Everyday of life should be a time of celebration. However, a Baby’s 1st Birthday is unique and should be celebrated accordingly. Think of it like, it is one year ago that this adored Baby was brought into your world. Of course, at a one year of age the Baby doesn’t seem to know what is happening, but it is still a time to celebrate. It is an event that you can look back on for years to come. It is as much a celebration of your achievements in the baby’s life as it is an achievement for your baby’s development.

Here are some 1st birthday party ideas to help you better plan your kids first birthday party.


  1. Decide early whether or not you want a particular birthday party theme. Birthday themes make it easier to shop for birthday supplies and birthday decorations. A theme will also bring a sense of harmony to the whole atmosphere. A typical baby blue for boys and pink for girls theme could do the trick. But any theme could work : Jungle party, Safari Party, princess party, pirate party, Animal party, train party, character party, just to name a few.
  2. You can serve cupcakes, a sheet cake or make a cake to match the party theme.
  3. Birthday party favors for the children that attend your kids party are great way to end your party. You can put together goodies bags that match your theme very cheaply by shopping online. A simple search under birthday party favors, party supplies, birthday decorations, kids party supplies, kids birthday, birthday theme, could turn great results.
  4. You can just as easily personalize your first birthday party invitations to fit your theme or style.
  5. choose the best children entertainer for your 1st kids Birthday party, a professional children entertainer can add a lot of value to your event and make it especially memorable.
  6. Pictures:
  7. Take lots of pictures, remember this day and remember how easy and stress-free it was. As they get older they’ll have time to celebrate with big parties and actually remember them.
  8. Food:
  9. Pizza is a favorite food for kids. If you want to keep this short and sweet, finger foods are perfect. Cupcakes at the end are great. Everyone gets the same portion, and your little one can be as messy as they want with their own private cake.
  10. Allowing your baby to open his or her presents maybe cute for 10 seconds but your guests are going to get bored very fast.
  11. Toddlers love their Cheerios! Put out a bowl of cheerios for the toddlers and pretzels, crackers for older kids. Placing the bowls next to chips and dip for the adults can be fun for kids! Use your judgment.


  • As a kids birthday party entertainer and father of four kids, my best advise for new parents who are putting on their very 1st kids birthday party is to relax during the party. You have planned your party well, you have recruited some friends and family to help organize your party. There will be a few surprises during the party, if you take it with ease. Your guests will sense that you are calm and relaxed and will automatically follow suit.
  • Keep a First Aid Box ready with you just in case children have an accident.
  • Call your babysitter for help or your very young friends who do not have kids yet. Ask help from people you know well, while you handle the child your partner can take assistance from them and complete the necessary chores.
  • Have a casual chat with the parents who have just celebrated a 'First birthday', that is a lot of good first hand information that will help you on the 'B' day.
  • Not asking parents of toddlers in the party would be beneficial to you, as only they can take care of their kids.


  • Balloons, If they burst they can be inhaled and cause a child to choke.
  • Be careful where you put your matches or lighter for the birthday cake.
  • Hard candy, bonbons or Finger Foods like raisins, M&Ms or popcorn can cause choking as well.
  • Save any sweets until the end of the party, otherwise the kids will have to run wild during the party.

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