Play Snake While Watching a YouTube Video

There this Easter Egg hidden in every YouTube video that you watch. Yes, you probably guess it, it a game! And that game is called Snake! It really easy to activate it. Start with step 1, below.


  1. Go to YouTube. You don't have to log in or sign up; just being on the site is enough for it. You need a video that is directly on YouTube--not one that is embedded.
    • Make sure that you are looking at a video that uses the latest video player. Only videos using the new player will let you play Snake; therefore, look for recent videos.
  2. Press play. Let the video load properly. Once the video starts playing, press pause. Stay in the YouTube window to maintain an active cursor.
  3. Hold down the left key for 2-3 seconds. Then, while holding down the left arrow key, press up. The snake game should pop up. It will be transparent, so that your video still shows up underneath.
  4. Play the snake game. You can restart the video if you wish as the game will still play while the video is running. Use your arrow keys to move the snake around the video player chasing the pellets.
    • Gobble up the pellets with the snake.
    • Don't touch the edge of the video player or the snake; your game will end.


  • At the moment, this Easter Egg only works when on YouTube itself. It does not work with embedded videos or on a Channel Page.
  • This also works with a large video screen.


  • This can be harder to do on a Mac, but it does work on Macs too.

Things You'll Need

  • YouTube access

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