Practice Male Hat Etiquette

Like all things retro, many varieties of classic hats have seen a resurgence in popularity. Fedoras, caps and even beanies can add an original touch to business and casual attire. If you haven't worn a hat in awhile, make sure your hat etiquette game is up to standard.


Handling Your Hat in Social Situations

  1. Remove your hat when entering a building. Buildings include the home, classroom, theater, restaurants and any other building you can think of. The exception to this rule is indoor areas that are considered public areas, such as lobbies or elevators.
    • This rule apply said to all kinds of hats, including baseball caps.
    • If a woman enters the elevator, a man should remove his hat. He may put the hat back on, or “don” it, once he has left the elevator and entered the corridor.[1]
  2. Remove your hat during formal events and processions. It is a sign of respect to remove your hat during wedding processions, funeral processions, and formal photographs. You should also remove it during the national anthem.[2]
    • Hold your hat appropriately when you remove it. Hold it so that the internal lining is not visible to others.
    • During the national anthem, hold your hat with your right hand, so that the hat covers your left shoulder, and your right hand is over your heart.[3]
  3. Tip-Your-Hat-at-Someone Grab the brim of your hat and lift it just a few inches off of your head toward the person you are greeting, while performing a slight bow. This represents a greeting along the lines of “good afternoon,” or “how do you do?”
    • Tipping your hat is also appropriate in acknowledgement of a request, or when thanking an individual for a service.
    • Tip your hat when leaving a social situation as well, provided your hat is upon your head.[4]
    • You may also tip your hat by the crown, or the very top of the hat.
    • You can tip your hat to greet anyone, not just women![5]
  4. Remove your hat when you start a conversation. This is known as “doffing” your hat. Removing the hat is a sign of respect to the person you are conversing with, such as when you are being introduced to someone or entering a conversation.[6]
    • When meeting a superior or someone of repute outdoors, remove your hat to show deference.
    • If a conversation in which you've removed your hat carries on for more than a minute, you may replace your hat on your head.
    • The hat may also be placed back upon the head if the conversation moves elsewhere, or occurs on the move.[7]
  5. Keep your hat on when required. Some places of worship, such as mosques, require your head to be covered while visiting. Keep your hat on your head if you visit such a building.[8]
    • Yamulkes/kippahs are often required in Jewish synagogues, (or appreciated for gentiles). If you do not have one, spare head covering is often available at the entrance.[9]
    • Some churches or circles of Christian thought require head coverings during worship or prayer. Check with your congregation to see if they require covering.[10]

Choosing a Style of Hat

  1. Choose fedoras for a classic business look. The fedora has been around for decades, and represents an iconic, classic look. Fedoras come in a variety of styles. They are a good choice if you wish to wear a hat to a formal or business event.
    • Fedoras, and their variants, pair best with business suits and business-casual wear, such as vests and blazers.[11]
    • Classic, Straw and Safari fedoras are similar in shape, but are made of different material, such as straw or wool.
    • The pork pie fedora is a shorter, smaller hat than standard fedoras, while the trilby is taller and softer than the standard fedora.[12]
  2. Choose baseball or flat caps for a more casual look. Nearly everyone who wears hats owns at least one baseball cap. They’re great for keeping the sun out of your eyes and come in a variety of designs and colors. Flat caps offer a more serious look and are a good choice for casual business events.
    • Caps are great during autumn, when the hat can match well with some of the warmer flannel shirts and sweaters that typically come out during this time of year.[13]
    • Flat caps are great for a business casual look. It's best to stay away from baseball caps when dealing in social business situations.
    • Patrol caps are similar to flat caps, but softer and allow for a more casual look, without sacrificing style.[14]
  3. Wear a beanie for a laid back look. Many skaters, surfers, and generally laid back guys pick the beanie as a comfortable hat that keeps the hair out of one’s eyes. The beanie is particularly useful for those who are growing out their hair, or already have long hair, and wish to keep those locks out of the way.
    • Beanies should generally only be worn in casual situations. Wearing a beanie to a business meeting or other business event can look unprofessional.
    • A beanie can look good with a suit, but the combination should generally be worn for the style, rather than business purposes.[15]
    • Tipping your beanie to greet someone might look a bit silly. Just remove the hat if you feel inclined as a greeting.
    • Beanies come in a variety of styles. Skullcap beanies are tight fitting and give off a “tough” vibe, whereas roll up beanies are adjustable and more casual. Many people turn to beanies during the colder months, but they can be worn year round!
    • Beanies are also called “toques” in some parts of the world.[16]

Keeping Your Hat Presentable

  1. Clean your hat appropriately. It is considered rude to display a hat that features stains, scuffs, or loose hair and fuzz. Depending on the type of hat, you will need to adjust your cleaning method. Hats are generally made of fur, wool, straw, suede leather, leather, canvas and cloth.
    • Felt and wool hats can be cleaned with a simple brushing with a soft bristle brush.
    • Straw hats should be cleaned by brushing with a small whisk broom, or a light, damp cloth.
    • Suede leather should be brushed with a nylon or stiff bristle brush. Afterwards, buff matted suede or dirt with an emery cloth or fine grit sandpaper. Most oils and odors can be removed with a. Mixture of 1 part baby shampoo and 15 parts warm water, though not all stains can be removed.
    • Leather hats should be treated with leather dressing such as minks oil or neatsfoot oil.
    • Cloth hats can be hosed off if they are treated with wax or made of oiled cotton. If not, use a stiff bristle brush to clean.
    • Canvas hats can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Use powdered cleaners on heavier stains.[17]
  2. Store and handle your hat carefully. A misshapen hat displays an overall lack of concern for style and etiquette, which is why hat racks were a common feature of 19th and early 20th century buildings.[18] Keep your hat stored in a cool, dry location where nothing can fall on top of it. Laying items on top of the hat can cause the shape of the hat to warp, which can be difficult to correct!
    • If you have a hat that features a brim that is turned down, store the hat upside down. This relieves the pressure on the brim, allowing it to maintain its form.
    • Avoid handling your hat by the crown too often. This can alter the hat’s shape over a long period of time. Instead, handle your hat by the brim, using both hands.[19]
  3. Never dry a hat using heat. Should your hat get wet, allow it to air dry. Using heat or steam to dry a wet hat can cause the hat to shrink. Flip the sweatband out and place the hat on a hat rack or on a bowl to help maintain its form while it dries.
    • Drying your hat with heat can cause the hat to shrink and warp, rendering it a poor fit for your head (and thus, a poor look for public encounters).[20]
    • Spray your hat with a rain-resistant spray to minimize the effects rain and other water will have on your hat.[21]


  • Keep your hat clean and free from dust, sweat, dirt, and fuzz.
  • Invest in a hat rack to have a place to safely store your hats.

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up
  2. Jump up
  3. Jump up
  4. Jump up
  5. Jump up
  6. Jump up
  7. Jump up
  8. Jump up
  9. Jump up
  10. Jump up
  11. Jump up
  12. Jump up
  13. Jump up
  14. Jump up
  15. Jump up
  16. Jump up
  17. Jump up
  18. Jump up
  19. Jump up
  20. Jump up
  21. Jump up
