Prepare the Farm for a Snowstorm

Farmers need to be specific when it comes to snow. If you are a farmer and need help, read on!


  1. If you have a garden, you should cover your plants with a tarp or blanket, or cover each plant with a bucket. (If your plants are in a greenhouse, then they normally are okay, and do not need to be covered.)
  2. If you have crops, try using some anti-desiccant spray. This spray will coat the branches in a thin plastic coating. If you don't use the spray, your best bet is to either cover the plants with a tarp or burlap, or let the snow come down on them. Sometimes letting the snow come down on plants is the best option available, because snow can actually provide protection from chilly air.
  3. If you have animals, you need to ensure they can and will be taken care of during the snow. Fill the barn with fluffy new hay. Provide goats and horses with fleece blankets. If you have outdoor dogs and cats, bring them inside (you can put them in a crate if you don't want them loose in the house). Make sure your animals have at least two times of the usual amount of feed and water.
  4. Close up any places in the barn where cold air might get in. This will keep it warm inside. From the outside, you can nail wood or weather stripping over any holes. If there is a door leading outside the barn make sure it is shut.


  • Make sure to have extra chopped wood available if you have a wood burner.
  • Always take cold water to your livestock in the winter months. Even though it is tempting to give them warm water, warm water freezes faster.
  • Feed your livestock table scraps. It will build extra fat. (Make sure not to feed chicken to your chickens, though!)
  • If you can reach an extension cord to your barn, or if your barn has electric, try putting a heat lamp inside. It gets it nice and warm for your animals.
  • If your barn has electric, you can buy a vibrating or a warm bowl. Plug it into the wall and put the water in. It will keep the water from freezing.


  • Always check on livestock every day. It doesn't matter how much snow there is on the ground - you still have to care for them.
  • If you decide to put a heat lamp in the barn, make sure it is in a secure place where it can't be knocked over! It can cause a fire if it is not secured.

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