Prevent Body Acne

Body acne can interfere with your life just as much as acne on your face. Preventing body acne may require you to make several lifestyle changes and you may need your doctor’s help as well. You can prevent body acne by washing and moisturizing your skin using gentle products, wearing loose fitting cotton clothing, and by taking good care of yourself. Keep reading to learn more about how to prevent body acne.


Washing and Moisturizing Your Skin

  1. Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser when you bathe or take a shower. Choose a cleanser that is meant for sensitive skin. Harsh cleansers may irritate your skin and cause or intensify your existing acne. Avoid scrubbing or using exfoliating products or toners on the areas where you get body acne most often.[1]
    • Take a shower after you get sweaty to prevent your pores from getting clogged. Acne is more likely to develop if you have too much excess oil on your skin for a long period of time. Make sure that you take a shower after you workout or whenever you get too sweaty.[2]
    • Use your hands to wash your body. It may seem like a good idea to scrub your body if you have body acne, but it can make your acne worse. Using a sponge or a washcloth can also irritate your acne, so it is best to wash your body using your hands if you are prone to body acne.[3]
    • Try using an over-the-counter body wash specifically formulated for acne. Some examples include Neutrogena, Oxy, or Clean and Clear. Most products of this nature have a main ingredient such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
  2. Wash your hair every day. If you have oily hair, it is possible to develop pimples on your scalp if enough oil is allowed to collect there. Wash your hair every day if you have oily hair.[2] Use a gentle shampoo so that your scalp does not become irritated from daily washing.
    • Steer clear of hair styling products that contain oil. Products like pomades, gels, and mousses may also cause acne to develop on your scalp.[4]
  3. Choose noncomedogenic products for your body. Moisturizing your skin is important, but some moisturizers can intensify your acne. Look for moisturizers and other body products that are labeled noncomedogenic. Also look for oil-free and nonacnegenic treatments. These types of products are less likely to irritate your skin or make your acne worse.[5]
  4. Apply oil-free sunscreen before sun exposure. It is important to protect your skin when you spend time in the sun, but some oil-based sunscreens may clog your pores. Choose a sunscreen that is labeled “oil-free” to help prevent acne breakouts and protect your skin from the sun.[6]
    • Make sure to apply 1-2 ounces of sunscreen at least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun and reapply every two hours.[7]
  5. Try tea tree oil. Some natural remedies may be effective in reducing body acne. The most effective natural treatment is tea tree oil, which has antibacterial properties. Products containing tea tree oil can be applied to the skin directly, as a topical treatment.[8]

Reducing Other Acne Causing Factors

  1. Wear loose fitting clothes. Tight clothing and hats can increase your chances of developing body acne, especially when you have been sweating.[9] Make sure that you wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe and remove sweaty clothes soon after exercising to help prevent body acne breakouts.
    • Wear cotton clothing as much as possible. Cotton seems to be the least irritating fabric for people who suffer from frequent body acne.[4]
  2. Leave existing zits alone. While it may be tempting to pick at zits or try to squeeze them out, you are better off leaving them alone. Popping a zit can cause it to become inflamed.[10] Squeezing a zit can also lead to infections or even scars.[11] If you get a zit, continue to care for your skin as usual, but do not pick at the zit or attempt to pop it.
    • If you want to try to treat a blemish actively, instead of popping it, apply a 1% over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.
  3. Eat healthy. Some studies have shown that certain foods may increase acne breakouts. Sugar and simple carbohydrates seem to make people more susceptible to acne breakouts. Steer clear of sugary sodas, potato chips, candy and other junk foods that may be contributing to your breakouts. Instead eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to help reduce your chances of an acne breakout.[12]
    • Try avoiding dairy products. Some people develop acne in conjunction with consuming dairy.[13] Going dairy-free (including dairy proteins) may be a way to reduce your acne from the inside.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. Not sleeping enough can make your acne worse, so it is crucial to get the recommended amount of sleep every night.[14] Adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but teenagers need between 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep every night to feel their best. Keep in mind that everyone is different and you may need more or less sleep than the recommendations for your age.[15]
  5. Relax every day. Stress has not been found to cause acne, but some studies have shown that stress can make existing acne worse.[16] To help prevent your stress levels from intensifying your acne, take time every day to relax. Some possible stress-reducing activities you might try include deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.

Getting Help for Chronic Acne

  1. Talk to your doctor. If your body acne gets worse, does not improve over time, or if it is interfering with your happiness, talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor may be able to find out what is causing your acne and help you to make a plan to fix it. If your acne is severe, your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist to help treat your existing acne and prevent further breakouts.[17]
  2. Consider the side effects of medications you are taking. Some prescription medications can cause acne, so you may want to discuss your prescriptions with your doctor. If the medication you are taking is contributing to your body acne, ask your doctor what alternative medications are available. If your doctor does not think that a good alternative exists, ask about complementary medications that might help prevent body acne breakouts.[18]
    • Do not stop taking any of your prescription medications without talking to your doctor first.
  3. Ask about medications that may help prevent body acne. There are several types of medications that can help to treat and prevent acne. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of using one of these medications to help prevent further acne breakouts. Recommended acne medications, which may be in the form of body washes, creams, or oral medications, might include:[19]
    • benzoyl peroxide
    • salicylic acid
    • antibiotics (topical or oral)
    • retinoid creams
    • azelaic acid
    • isotretinoin
    • oral contraceptives (for women)
    • androgen blockers
  4. Discuss other possible causes of your acne. Some medical conditions may make you more likely to have frequent body acne breakouts. If you have other symptoms of illness, talk to your doctor about these symptoms to determine if an underlying condition might be the cause of your acne. Some common conditions that also cause acne include:[18]
    • Cushing’s syndrome
    • polycystic ovary syndrome
    • endocrine (hormonal) disorders


  • Keep in mind that preventing acne takes patience and persistence. It may take several weeks or months before you figure out the best routine to prevent your body acne breakouts.


  • Talk to your doctor right away if your acne is severe, painful, infected, or causing scarring. You should also talk to your doctor right away if your acne is large and hard, accompanied by facial hair (if you are a woman), if you have painful or irregular periods, or if you have recently been exposed to a chemical that seems to have caused your acne.[17]

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Sources and Citations

  2. 2.0 2.1
  4. 4.0 4.1
  17. 17.0 17.1
  18. 18.0 18.1

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