Prevent Your Cars and Other Vehicles from Getting Stolen at Home

Crime is increasing rapidly, so here's how to prevent theft of your vehicles.


  1. Park your vehicles safely in a garage. This is extremely effective.
  2. If you don't have a large-enough garage, or a garage at home, then park them in a carport. Some homes will not have carports or garages so park them somewhere safe you can remember. And lock the doors all the time.
  3. If you have other vehicles, such as a lawn mower or a bicycle, keep them in additional areas of a garage (garages with extra space.)


  • Some homes may have separate garages, so you can keep additional vehicles there.
  • Close your windows if you have them, this is more effective.


  • If you have a very beautiful car (such as a Lamborghini) people will more likely steal it.

Things You'll Need

  • Garage

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